You’ve probably noticed how Grandma seems to have a solution for everything around the house. Bring any problem to her, and the solution will be right in her kitchen cupboard. Fortunately, we were given access to some amazing secret tricks that we can use around the house.\n\n\n\n
If you are confused about whether your honey contains sugary mixtures, then you can test it using starch. You can probably find starch somewhere in your kitchen cabinet. All you have to do is simply sprinkle a little bit of starch on a spoonful of honey then wait and watch. If the starch sinks into the honey, then this honey contains a higher amount of sugary mixtures. If the starch stays on the surface, then this honey contains a lower amount of sugary mixtures.\n\n\n\n
You’ve probably noticed how Grandma seems to have a solution for everything around the house. Bring any problem to her, and the solution will be right in her kitchen cupboard. Fortunately, we were given access to some amazing secret tricks that we can use around the house.\n\n\n\n
If\u00a0you\u2019ve been cooking and cannot get the smell of\u00a0food off your hands then this is\u00a0the solution for you. If\u00a0you have some\u00a0tomato\u00a0sauce or\u00a0juice, rub your hands with it\u00a0and the smell is\u00a0gone. No\u00a0tomato sauce? No\u00a0problem.\u00a0Salt\u00a0is\u00a0also another solution to\u00a0your odor problem.\n\n\n\n