{"id":1648,"date":"2021-04-23T18:23:55","date_gmt":"2021-04-23T18:23:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/alternatech.net\/?p=1648"},"modified":"2021-04-23T18:23:55","modified_gmt":"2021-04-23T18:23:55","slug":"14-daily-items-dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat-that-you-need-to-know","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/legendstitch.com\/14-daily-items-dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat-that-you-need-to-know\/","title":{"rendered":"14 Daily Items Dirtier Than A Toilet Seat That You Need To Know"},"content":{"rendered":"
These surfaces have more germs than the average toilet seat, and you\u2019ve likely already touched at least one of them today.\n A load of underwear will transfer at least 100 million E. coli bacteria-the culprit behind diarrhea to the washing machine, which becomes a breeding ground that can contaminate other clothing. With a front-loading machine, it\u2019s worse; water settles at the bottom and creates the moist environment bacteria love. Your toilet seat, on the other hand, is too dry to support a very large bacterial population.\n Clean it: Disinfect your machine by washing a load of whites with bleach first, or cleaning your washer with bleach at least once a month (pour two cups of bleach into the detergent compartment, and run empty on the hottest cycle before wiping dry; leave the door open after). To avoid spreading bacteria, wash underwear separately with hot water and a color-safe bleach replacement.\n Your cutting board University of Arizona researchers found that the average cutting board has 200 times more fecal bacteria than a toilet seat. A big culprit: raw meat, since many fecal bacteria originate in animals\u2019 internal organs. So, the last chicken cutlet you diced? The tiny grooves your knife left on the cutting board are prime real estate for germs to get cozy.\n Solution: \u00a0Wash plastic cutting boards with liquid dish detergent and water, then soak thoroughly in a solution of two teaspoons of bleach and a gallon of water. For wooden boards, do the same but use two tablespoons of bleach per gallon of water. Don\u2019t soak overnight.\n A leather phone case that doubled as a wallet was the biggest offender, carrying 17 times more germs than the toilet. Another uncomfortable detail: In a 2016 survey of 1,000 U.K. employees, about one-third admitted to using their phones while using the toilet. \u201cA smartphone which is brought into a washroom will invariably end up with invisible traces of feces and urine on it,\u201d hygiene expert Lisa Ackerley said in a report. \u201cThese will then transfer to the owner\u2019s hands.\u201d\n How to clean your phone: Reduce your exposure to germs by cleaning your electronic screens with screen wipes or damp, soft cloth and leaving them out of the bathroom in the first place.\n Fun fact: Bacteria love munching on dead skin cells. Considering that the average person sheds about 1.5 million every hour, that turns your rugs into a fine dining experience when you add food particles, pet dander, pollen, and other bits. About 200,000 bacteria live in each square inch of carpet (nearly 700 times more than on your toilet seat), including E. coli, staphylococcus, and salmonella.\n Clean it: Since your vacuum cleaner can\u2019t reach to the bottom of the carpet, hire a company to deep clean at least once a year.\n Your bathroom faucet handle can have 21 times the bacteria of your toilet seat. Even worse\u2014your kitchen faucet handles can harbor 44 times the bacteria of your toilet seat. Drains are moist and protected from your usual cleaning products, and a study in Applied and Environmental Microbiology found that drug-resistant bacteria like E. coli can spread from the pipes to your sink and hands.\n Clean it: Disinfect and clean regularly along with the rest of your sink to make sure washing your hands isn\u2019t making you dirtier.\n Clicking away at your computer in between bites of lunch may have led to the last \u201coffice bug\u201d you picked up. When British researchers swabbed 33 keyboards in a London office, they found that they harbored up to five times the germs of a toilet seat.\n Clean it: Wash hands, and surfaces, often.\n It goes with everything, including germs. When British researchers studied 25 handbags, they found that the average handbag is three times dirtier than an office toilet seat. Handbags used regularly were 10 times dirtier. Handles carried the most bacteria, but even items inside the bag were grimy hand and face creams were the dirtiest, along with lipstick and gloss. Stomach flu viruses have been traced back to reusable grocery bags, too.\n Clean it: Keep your bags off the ground, and regularly washcloth bags when possible. For plastic or leather bags, use disinfectant wipes.\n Not only are sponges dirtier than your toilet seat, but they\u2019re dirtier than just about any other item in your house. When researchers investigated 14 used kitchen sponges, they found an insane 45 billion microbes per square centimeter, according to the results in Scientific Reports. Dishcloths and sponges harbor the largest amount of E. coli and other fecal bacteria in the average home, mostly because they aren\u2019t replaced as often as they should.\n Clean it: Each week, toss dishcloths in the washing machine and sponges in the dishwasher, or heat them in the microwave (while damp) for 30 seconds. Replace sponges every other week or so.\n It may\u00a0surprise you, but your channel changer is surprisingly germy. Anything that\u2019s been on your hands before you started surfing collects on your remote. Not to mention, your remote collects dust sitting on your couch, gets sat on, and may even have crumbs on it, if you like to eat in front of the TV. Grime can get stuck in the nooks and crannies between the buttons, so cleaning it can be a challenge.\n Clean it: Every now and then, wipe down your remote using a bit of dish soap or an antiseptic wipe. Make sure to get in between the buttons.\n If you\u2019ve got a daily commute to your office, you probably touch this ultra-germy item on (at least) a weekly basis. A University of Arizona study sampled gas pumps and found that a whopping 71 percent of them contained some type of bacterial contaminant.\n Clean it: If you don\u2019t want to wipe down the pump before you use it, definitely keep hand sanitizer in your car so that you can bust any germs you may have picked up while filling up. Or consider wearing gloves to shield yourself from the germs.\n While you\u2019re getting a ride to your desired floor, germs might be hitching a ride on your hands. A University of Toronto study found that elevator buttons in public spaces like office buildings and hospitals could be harboring more germs than toilet seats. (Find out more public places with the most germs.)\n Clean it: Maybe you don\u2019t want to stand around your office building and wipe down the elevator buttons, and that\u2019s fair. But you\u2019ll probably want to wash, or at least sanitize, your hands once you\u2019ve reached your floor.\n A study from public health and safety organization NSF found that refrigerator vegetable and meat compartments were the top two spots in the kitchen with the most disease-causing microorganisms. It makes sense any unwrapped veggies or escaped meat juices could leave behind dangerous germs.\n Clean it: Empty your fridge drawers, then pull them out of your fridge. Give them a good scrub with warm, soapy water before returning them (and your food) to their slots.\n Hopefully, you\u2019re replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, but when was the last time you cleaned out its holder? Fair warning: It\u2019s probably filled with toothpaste gunk that dripped down after you brushed. An NSF investigation found that toothbrush holder were the dirtiest item in the bathroom. About 27 percent of toothbrush holders showed signs of coliform, compared to 5 percent of toilet seats.\n Clean it: Rinse an empty toothbrush holder in hot water, then scrub with a soapy, small-bristled brush. Rinse well and let it dry before putting your toothbrushes back.\n You probably clean the coffee pot, but you\u2019ll want to give the whole machine a deep clean every once in a while NSF data show that coffee reservoirs where you pour water are even dirtier than toilet seats and toilet handles.\n1. Clean Laundry\n
2. Cutting Board\n
4. \u00a0Smartphone Or Tablet lean i\n
5. Your Carpe\n
6. Your Faucet Handles\n
7. Cmputer Keyboard\n
8. Handbag\n
9. Kitchen Cloth or Sponge\n
10. TV remote\n
11. Gas Pumps\n
12. Elevator Buttons\n
13. Fridge Drawers\n
13. Toothbrush Holders\n
14. . Coffee Reservoir\n