vinegar hacks – Legend Stitch Make Your Day Fri, 15 Oct 2021 19:46:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vinegar hacks – Legend Stitch 32 32 231211893 25 Fantastic Uses For Vinegar To Ease Your Gardening Chores Fri, 15 Oct 2021 19:46:02 +0000 Vinegar is not only a host of uses in the household, but it is miraculous for the garden as well. Here are some fantastic vinegar uses in the garden you must check out!

1. Test Soil AlkalinityTest Soil Alkalinity

Don’t have a kit to find out whether your soil is too acidic or alkaline, try vinegar instead. Take a sufficient amount of soil from different areas of your garden in a container. Then, empty 1/2 cup of each water and vinegar into it. If you notice a visible fizzing action, your soil is alkaline. The more fizz you get, the higher the pH balance in your soil. This method works when acid (vinegar) comes into contact with alkaline (soil).

2. Clean Garden Fountain

Garden fountains enhance the aesthetic appeal and bring charm to the green space. However, over time, they become soiled due to the algae, debris, stray leaves, and hard water deposits. To keep the fountains good as new, clean them with vinegar. First, discard the fountain water and then pour a sufficient amount of white vinegar into it. Wait for 10-15 minutes, scrub the fountain with a bristled brush and rinse with water.

3. Keep Cats Out of Sandbox

Keeps Cat Out of SandboxStop your cat from using the outdoor sandbox as a litter box with white vinegar. Soak a few rags in undiluted white vinegar and place them strategically nearby the sandbox to do the trick. This trick keeps your feline friend far away from the sandbox due to vinegar’s potent odor that cats dislike.

4. Rinse Hands After Gardening

After doing gardening chores, clean your hands with vinegar to remove dirt, stains, and harmful microorganisms. For this, gently scrub your hands with undiluted white vinegar momentarily, and then rinse with water afterward. It’s highly recommended to wear garden gloves as the soil has all sorts of harmful microbes. Avoid vinegar’s usage if you have any cuts and splinters on your hands.

5. Clean Garden Bricks and Dividers

Hard water used by the garden watering systems gives birth to the formation of calcium and lime films on the garden bricks and dividers. If you’re facing such an issue, eliminate the buildup using an acid-based cleaner- white vinegar. Combine a cup of vinegar for each gallon of water in a bucket. Now, dip a brush in this solution and scour the deposits vigorously. Once the buildup is gone, rinse the area with water.

6. Clean BBQ Grill with VinegarClean BBQ Grill with Vinegar

To clean your BBQ grill, fill a container with equal amounts of white vinegar and tepid water. Next, submerge the grill in the solution for an hour. After that, scrub the grill with a bristled brush momentarily and rinse with water. This is probably the most amazing vinegar uses in the garden.

7. Disinfects Cement Ponds

While maintaining their garden, people often overlook the cleaning and disinfection of their cement ponds. This leads to stagnant water, which becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, insects, and mosquitoes. That’s why clean your cement pond once a week using vinegar and a bristled brush.

8. Weeds Killer

Say goodbye to the pesky weeds that grow on the garden walls, fences, and the walkway crevices using the cheap and nature-friendly vinegar. For this approach, fill an empty spray bottle with full-strength, undiluted white vinegar and spritz on the weeds. It’s one of the most amazing vinegar uses in the garden on this list.

9. As a Natural Herbicide

If you’re looking for a non-toxic, natural herbicide for weeds, vinegar is the right choice. It’s effective against a wide range of weeds species such as Canada thistle, lamb’s-quarters, giant foxtail, velvetleaf, and smooth pigweed. Pour a gallon of white vinegar, a cup of table salt, and a tbsp of dish soap into a garden sprayer. Drench the weeds with this solution while avoiding the nearby plants. Weeds will be gone within 2-3 days.

10. Get Rid of Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are a serious nuisance to both gardeners and homeowners. They not only damage the plants but spread diseases as well. To get rid of fruit flies, combine 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and 10-15 drops of liquid dish soap in a bowl and place it near the affected fruit plant or tree. The sweet odor of vinegar draws fruit flies into the trap, and they eventually fall into the solution in the absence of surface tension.

11. Repels Pesky Ants

Ants are not only an annoyance, but they also harm your plants indirectly by protecting the plant-eating aphids and mealybugs from their natural predators in exchange for honeydew. To keep your plants safe, use vinegar, it deters the ants because of its strong scent. Stir equal amounts of white vinegar and tepid water in a spray bottle. Then, spritz the solution on the anthills and ant trails to deter them for good.

12. Clean Terracotta Pots

Clay pots or terracotta pots are popular among gardeners. They look attractive, keeps the soil cool amidst hot sunny days, and ensures proper drainage. Over time, frequent use of hard water and fertilizer makes the clay pots stained and a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, pests, and fungus. To bring their former glory back, clean the pots with full-strength white vinegar, scrub with a brush, and rinse them with water.

13. Gives Rust-Free Garden Tools

Don’t know how to make your garden tools rust-free? Try the miraculous vinegar. Its mild acidic content makes your garden tools good as new by breaking down the rust. For this, soak your rusted tools in a container filled with white vinegar overnight. In the morning, scrub them with a bristled brush and wash and dry them properly.

14. Clean a Dirty Birdbath

A dirty birdbath is not only a hazard to human beings but also harmful to the entire backyard flock as well. Its stagnant water is an ideal place for mosquitoes, algae, bacteria, and germs to thrive. That’s why it’s vital to clean the birdbath once a week. Empty the birdbath, fill it with enough white vinegar, and wait for 5-10 minutes. Next, scrub it with a soft-bristled brush and rinse with water afterward.

15. Deter Animals

Protecting the garden from common garden destroyers like rats, cats, dogs, raccoons, rabbits, moles, and skunks is a cumbersome task. To cut the hassle, soak a couple of rags in undiluted white vinegar and put them on stakes, boundaries, and fences around the garden. Vinegar’s strong scent keeps these unwanted guests at bay.

16. Keeps Cut Flowers Fresh

Cut flowers are an excellent way to spruce up the appearance of your home, but they droop and wilt quickly because of their relatively short life span. To keep your cut flowers fresh and last longer, pour two tbsps of each vinegar and sugar into the vase and fill it with water. Then, put the cut flowers in the vase, and you’re good to go.

17. Eradicates Garden Insects

No need to purchase chemical-filled insecticides when you can make one at home using vinegar. It’s an excellent product to eradicate aphids, mealybugs, Japanese beetles, and other insect pests. Simply pour three parts of water, one part of apple cider vinegar, and a tsp of dawn dish soap in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well and spritz it around the plants, not directly over them.

18. Helps in Seeds Germination

ome seeds require more time to germinate, like okra, mini tomato, chili pepper, rosemary, and nasturtiums. Boost the germination process by soaking the seeds in a bowl filled with water and 15-20 drops of white vinegar overnight. The next day, sow the seeds, and you’ll see the results in a couple of days.

19. Clear Water Lines from Vases

After some time, old vases lose their charm due to hard water mineral deposits. Transform their look in an instant using the multipurpose vinegar. For this, make a paste by combining 1/2 tbsp of each salt and white vinegar in a bowl. Spread this mixture on the vase and wait for 8-10 minutes. After that, wipe the vase surface with a damp cloth.

20. Removes Stubborn Berry Stains from Hands

Only a gardener knows how much it’s difficult to get rid of strawberry and blueberry stains from hands. With a little help from vinegar, you can get stain-free hands in a jiffy. Simply rinse your hands with enough amount of white vinegar, and you’re good to go.

21. Keeps Snake at Bay

Snakes are not harmful to your lovely plants but a severe threat to human beings. Keep the serpents at bay using white vinegar. It works because snakes dislike vinegar’s pungent scent. Make a viper deterrent solution by filling a garden sprayer with full-strength white vinegar. Then, spray it over any potential snake entrance, fences, and the perimeter of your garden.

22. Clean Dingy Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture suffers a lot due to weather, dirt, and other buildups that degrade its look and quality over time. All you need is vinegar to transform their soiled look. Thanks to its mild acetic acid, vinegar removes all kinds of stubborn stains, films, and buildup. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spritz it liberally on the problematic furniture and wipe with a clean cloth.

23. Increases Soil Acidity

As vinegar is a rich source of acetic acid, you can use it as a fertilizer for your acid-loving plants, namely, rhododendrons, gardenias, azaleas, and blueberry bushes, by increasing the soil acidity. Combine a cup of white vinegar with a gallon of water into a garden sprayer and drench the plants with this solution. Make sure to avoid watering normal plants with vinegar, as it’s harmful to them. Repeat this method after every three months.

24. Protect Plants from Fungus

Ditch the toxic fungicides by making a natural one using the miraculous home ingredient- vinegar. Just combine a tsp of white vinegar and a cup of brewed chamomile tea into an empty spray bottle. Shake it well before spraying the solution on the fungus and mold-affected plants. You’ll notice the difference in a few days.

25. Eliminates Slugs and Snails

Slugs and snails are a nightmare to the gardeners. They slither through your garden, munching on plants, and leaves a slimy trail behind. Get rid of them for good by pouring white vinegar into an empty spray bottle and spritz directly on the slugs and snails. Wait for a few minutes to allow the vinegar to do its work. Vinegar kills them by dissolving their body, thanks to its mild acid.

Low-Cost Cleaning Hacks With Vinegar That’ll Save You Money Mon, 13 Sep 2021 03:24:21 +0000 Elizabeth Flaherty

Vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that yields numerous benefits in and around your home

Get Rid of Salt Residue on Shoes

You can clean off the residue quickly with a simple solution you can make at home. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar. Shake it up and spritz the mixture onto a clean paper towel. Gently wipe your shoes and watch the salt residue disappear. Keep the spray bottle near your shoe collection so you can clean off your shoes as the season goes.

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Try using this homemade all-purpose cleaning solution on countertops and surfaces to disinfect and freshen your home. The recipe includes vinegar, which removes stains and odors, plus anti-microbial essential oils to keep your home germ free.

The Best DIY Gnat Trap to Try

Tired of the annoying gnats around your home? Gather a few small jars, pour in four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and whirl in a few drops of liquid dish soap. With the lids off, place the jars wherever you see the most gnats. The gnats will be drawn to the smell of the apple cider, but once they land in the mixture the soap makes it difficult for them to escape.

These non-toxic traps work like a dream. I set them out one night and the next morning, all the gnats were in the jars! — Gina Kinnan

Thin Wood Glue

I recently wrote to the Borden Company, asking what to do when their Elmer’s wood glue becomes too thick to use. They suggested mixing in a drop or two of vinegar. It sounded like an old wives’ tale, but I tried it and found it really works.

Simple Cleaner Soft Scrub 

Industrial soft scrub cleaners can contain strong chemical ingredients, but you can get your tub and shower just as clean with a homemade cleaner. This simple soft scrub recipe will clean a bathroom faster and better. It uses a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, which dissolves hard mineral deposits and easily cuts through soap scum.

Vinaigrette Scratch Remover

Minor scratches in wood furniture don’t need to be sanded out; you can hide them. Mix one part vinegar with three parts canola or olive oil and wipe it on the scratch using a soft cloth. The scratch virtually disappears, and you can dress your salad with the leftovers. 

Brilliant DIY Indoor Fly Trap

Wondering how to get rid of annoying flies around your home? Wash a plastic beverage bottle and cut off the top. Stick the cutoff top upside down in the bottle’s bottom. Mark a line slightly below the bottle’s spout. This will serve as a “fill to” line. Fill with apple chunks, the riper the better, and two cups of white vinegar to deter bees from the trap. Place the cutoff top upside down in the bottle. Flies can easily get into the wide opening, but it’s difficult for them to get back out.

Note: The better the bait, the more effective these fly traps will be. Any type of decomposing fruit or vegetable will work, too. Try different ingredients to see what’s most effective in your house. Because you’re using rotting food to attract the flies, make sure to place the homemade fly trap where the smell won’t bother you or the neighbors.

Lemon and Vinegar Cleaner

Skip the expensive store-bought surface cleaners and make an all-purpose homemade cleaning solution using vinegar. Just mix one part distilled white vinegar, two parts water and a squeeze of lemon juice. This homemade cleaner works in the kitchen, bathroom and on floors. You can add a little baking soda to help whiten grout and sinks, just rinse with water after scrubbing. 

An Old School Remedy

A little research will show you that cleaning wood floors with white vinegar and water is highly contested, but it’s definitely worth a try if you’re looking to avoid harmful chemicals.

Depending on the strength of acetic acid (the chemical component in vinegar that breaks down oils and sugars) you’re looking to apply to your floors, go for anywhere from a half cup to a full cup of vinegar per gallon of water. Another plus? If you’re into natural remedies, you likely already have a variety of vinegars in your cabinet or refrigerator (but probably avoid the red wine variety).

Clean Grease

Vinegar (acetic acid) cuts grease and doesn’t streak, which makes it ideal for cleaning glass. We recommend a solution of 50 percent white vinegar and 50 percent tap water. In most cases, vinegar is a great all-purpose cleaner, but there are some things that you shouldn’t clean with it.

Add Vinegar to Your Dishwasher

Use vinegar in your dishwasher to give your glassware an extra sparkle and

prevent filmy residue from hard water.

To give this trick a whirl, make sure your dishwasher is full — the best and most environmentally conscious way to go — then grab a small bowl that’s dishwasher safe. Pour it half full of white vinegar (yes, we’re optimists) and stabilize it in the top rack. To avoid damage to the dishwasher’s gaskets, don’t pour the vinegar directly into the rinse aid compartment. Then add dishwasher soap and run a regular cycle.

From its top-tier position, the vinegar should evenly distribute among both levels. Then remove and enjoy your gleaming glassware.
