Organization Ideas – Legend Stitch Make Your Day Sat, 22 Jan 2022 17:15:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Organization Ideas – Legend Stitch 32 32 231211893 Practical Tips for Getting Rid of the Mess in Your Kitchen Once and For All Sat, 22 Jan 2022 17:15:12 +0000 Inertia is one of the primary reasons why it is difficult to clean up a mess. When we bring things into our homes, we fail to set up a neat storage system and instead place them on shelves at random, thinking it’s a temporary solution and that we’ll find the right place for them later. However, things eventually remain in place, resulting in shambles.

Use an organizer for objects that are always there on the tabletop to make spaces look neater

You’ve probably heard that it’s best to keep dinner tables and other tabletops clear. However, this is not always possible or convenient. Salt shakers and sugar basins always seem to end up on the table, and it’s actually useful to keep oil and sauces close to the stove. This conflict can be resolved with the help of a single organizer. If all of the aforementioned objects are kept in a designated area, such as a decorative plate, rather than scattered throughout the kitchen, it will look neat and remain functional.

Arrange additional shelves to use up all the useful space in kitchen cabinets

Sometimes tall kitchen cabinets without additional shelves force us to stack dishes and boxes on top of each other. It’s extremely inconvenient, especially when you need to get something out of these stacks. Moreover, it’s not aesthetically pleasing. However, special expandable kitchen cabinet shelves can help you avoid these piles. They can be used for storing different types of dishes, from mugs and cups to plates.

You can hang jars with spices on plastic clip strips so that they don’t clutter shelves

It’s extremely important to be able to use vertical spaces to create functional areas. For example, for storing jars with spices that can prevent you from getting to larger objects behind them, you can use the inner walls of the cabinets by arranging plastic clip strips to them. And luckily for you, they’re available in any plumbing store.

Foil, baking paper, and plastic bags can be stored on an organizer for documents

You’ve probably heard that it’s best to keep dinner tables and other tabletops clear. However, this is not always possible or convenient. Salt shakers and sugar basins always seem to end up on the table, and it’s actually useful to keep oil and sauces close to the stove. This conflict can be resolved with the help of a single organizer. If all of the aforementioned objects are kept in a designated area, such as a decorative plate, rather than scattered throughout the kitchen, it will look neat and remain functional.

Place special containers in the fridge to sort products

Undoubtedly, you can intuitively demarcate space in the refrigerator, even now. And you’ve probably already noticed that such an approach leads to giving up soon after because all of the products stored in the fridge will look like one big mess in no time. In order not to create more chaos, place additional containers for certain products so that each group has its own spot.

A turnable stand can become a perfect solution if you have lots of small jars in the kitchen

Such stands are true gems when it comes to arranging piles of jars, such as those for spices, sauces, or oils. It’s inconvenient to store these small containers on a flat surface, one behind the other, but it prevents us from easily finding the jar that we need. Plus, there’s always a risk that you’ll drop a jar or multiple containers while trying to reach for others. Thanks to such an organizer, all the necessary items will always be in sight and at hand.

 It’s much more convenient to store baking trays, cutting boards, and medium-height baking dishes vertically

The habit of stacking all flat objects one on top of the other is inconvenient, especially when you need to retrieve an item that is buried beneath 6 other items. To put this problem behind you once and for all, use a vertical rack that allows you to easily reach any object.

Use a special holder, as not to unstack heavy frying pans every time you need to cook

The same rule that applies to storing frying pans as described in the preceding paragraph applies to frying pan storage. Instead of stacking them on top of each other and potentially damaging the coating of the frying pans, consider investing in a special holder. As a result, frying pans can be stored vertically or horizontally without becoming difficult to grasp. Furthermore, if you place a towel beneath the holder, it can function as a drying rack.

 Cans can be placed in a special organizer.

Stacking cans on top of each other is also inconvenient and causes the same problems as stacked frying pans and spice jars. A special organizer or several document holders of the required width will assist in resolving the problem.

Most kitchen utensils look better on hooks than on shelves

Unlike forks and spoons, kitchen utensils such as whisks and ladles are never neatly distributed on the shelf, even when a special tray is used. Consider arranging hooks to avoid a cluttered kitchen. They can, for example, be placed on top of a table. They can also be used to hang other items like potholders and cups.

Install a lid-holder on the inner part of a kitchen cabinet

Storing lids is usually the second most inconvenient chore, right after stacking frying pans. However, there are special holders that can be installed on the inside of a kitchen cabinet door. Another option is to hang towel hooks on the inner door of a kitchen cabinet. In this case, however, you’ll be able to fit fewer lids because they won’t be stacked one on top of the other and will take up all of the available door space.

 It’s better to store potatoes and onions in a vertical rack, not in a bag or in a box.

If you buy onions or potatoes in small portions, you might be well aware of how hard it is to find the right place for them and not to ruin the overall look of the kitchen, keeping them relatively accessible. Regular metal holders for documents can come to the rescue once again. They let vegetables breathe freely and fit into any cabinet thanks to their vertical shape.

Opt for square-shaped containers

A large set of square-shaped containers will save your cabinets from the colorful chaos of boxes and bags. Moreover, this shape is convenient because, unlike round-shaped items, it’s easier to rearrange and move square containers inside cabinets. But make sure they’re transparent, otherwise, you’ll have to mark each of them.

Organization Tips: Unusual But Effective Food Storage Methods That Really Work Thu, 06 Jan 2022 16:46:18 +0000 Supermarket shelves are brimming with various goods that can satisfy any taste, and we frequently purchase foods that we do not intend to eat right away. Unfortunately, many of them spoil and must be discarded. Fortunately, there are simple and dependable methods for keeping your foods fresh for longer periods of time.

Keep cucumbers fresh for longer by wrapping them individually in paper towels and placing them in a plastic Ziploc bag.

We checked this method and were pleasantly surprised. Cucumbers really stay fresh much longer.

Keep cottage cheese or sour cream containers in the fridge upside down. This creates a vacuum effect that slows down the growth of bacteria.

To prevent flour bugs, put a piece of spearmint gum with the foil on it inside the bag.

It turned out that grandmothers of some of our employees had been using this method for decades.

To keep berries fresh longer, rinse them with a solution made from 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 3 cups of water.

Frozen tomatoes can be used in sauces and soups. They can be stored for up to 6 months this way.

Wrap herbs in a slightly wet paper towel, and put them in a plastic bag, being sure to get all the air out of the bag. Then put it in the fridge. The herbs will stay fresh and won’t wither.

When we were writing this article, we decided to check this method. A couple of weeks later, the herbs were as fresh as when we first put them in the fridge.

To keep the bread soft and mold-free, put a stick of celery in the bag.

To keep brown sugar soft and moist, use marshmallows. Just put a few pieces in the bag or container.

Once you’ve sliced an apple, put a rubber band around it to hold it together. It’ll keep the apple from turning brown.

This method is really convenient, we realized that when we were taking photos of it. But the effect is short-lived. The apple won’t stay fresh for a week, for sure.

If you want your avocado to ripen faster, put it in a bag with a banana. A banana gives off high levels of ethylene thanks to which avocados will ripen faster.

Store dry fruits in a glass airtight container in a cool place. This way, they’ll stay soft longer.

Wrap lettuce in a piece of aluminum foil. This way, it’ll stay fresh for 4 weeks.

We tested this method, and it proved to work. After 10 days, we took out the lettuce from the foil, and it was as fresh as before.

To prevent fresh berries from sticking together during freezing, freeze them on a plate where the berries are separate from each other first, and then put them in the bag.

One of our employees shared her own life hack. To keep fresh the lemon that has been cut, dip it into salt and put it in the fridge.

Do you have your own life hacks for keeping food fresh? Share them in the comments below.

Things to Get Rid Of Before the New Year Fri, 24 Dec 2021 16:44:22 +0000 Get a head start on a fresh New Year by clearing your house of clutter right now.

By Bobvila

Make the Holidays Easier

With spotless cupboards, an orderly closet, and a cleaned-out storage space, the holidays are lot easier to manage. When you’re rushing about preparing for the holidays, having Christmas decor in easy-to-find containers, serving dishes beautifully placed and accessible, and your favorite holiday attire near at hand makes it easier to find everything you need without fuss. Also, as the end of the year approaches, keep in mind that any donation to a charity organization is tax-deductible!

Continue reading to learn how to make the holidays more efficient by getting rid of these 25 items before New Year’s Day.

Expired Pantry Goods

Take everything out of your pantry and check each label, then toss anything that’s past its expiration date. While you’re at it, wipe down the shelves and make a mental note of the staples you have on hand to make holiday grocery shopping easier.

Dirty Tablecloths That Never Seem to Get Clean

Take an inventory of your tablecloths. Pay special attention to the ones that get a lot of use, and finally accept that the wine stain will never go away. Get rid of or donate old tablecloths, and consider purchasing a new one for Christmas dinner.

Broken Ornaments

During the holiday season, Christmas ornaments may become a little worse for wear from children, pets, or clumsiness. If they can’t be easily fixed with some glue and a little time, the broken ornaments need to be weeded from the pack.

It’s tough to throw away ornaments that bring back happy memories, so consider upcycling the fragments into playful wall art. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, now’s a good time to go through other seasonal decor and get rid of anything that’s damaged or dingy, or that you just don’t like or use anymore.

Mismatched Food Containers

Over the holidays, you may want to send guests home toting containers of delicious leftovers. Take control of your food storage containers now to avoid the frantic, last-minute scramble for usable receptacles. Throw away containers without lids, and vice versa. Donate any extras you don’t need.

Mugs You Don’t Use

It turns out you can have too many mugs. But it’s so hard to let them go, isn’t it? That said, there are probably a few that you never use and wouldn’t miss. Dig out the rarely used mugs in the recesses of your kitchen cabinets, and donate them to a local soup kitchen or church.

Winter Clothes That No Longer Fit

Assess your winter wardrobe and discard anything that no longer fits or is no longer in style. Donate items you don’t need or want to those who can make good use of them during the cold winter months.


Kids grow out of toys surprisingly quickly. While it’s tempting to keep beloved toys around as a reminder of your kids’ childhood, why not donate the unused playthings to youngsters who may not have presents waiting under the tree. Pass along gently used toys and throw out those that have been loved too hard. As you’re sorting through and feeling nostalgic, consider picking out one or two items as keepsakes.

Extra Craft Supplies

If you’ve worked on any DIY projects this year, there may be a lingering surplus of crafty items on hand that you may not use again. Donate the extra glitter, paint, and baubles to a classroom in need, and ring in the new year with a craft room that’s primed for action.

Junk Drawer Overflow

If it’s been a while since you last organized it, your kitchen junk drawer is probably overflowing. Now is a great time to get it under control. Toss out expired coupons and flyers, recycle old batteries, and throw out any unneeded receipts. Get a drawer divider and use it to group together like objects, such as chargers, paper clips, rubber bands, and other junk-drawer denizens.

Utensil Drawer Surplus

Transform your utensil drawer from clutter central to clutter-free with the help of a few dividers (or a flatware organizer) and a whole lot of purging. Get rid of duplicates, and donate any utensils that you never use.

Unrecognizable Items in Your Freezer

Get to the bottom of things—the bottom of your freezer, that is. Throw away anything that’s been sitting there for longer than a year. If you have no idea how long something’s been in there, toss it anyway, and be sure to label freezer contents appropriately in the future. If you notice that you’re throwing away a lot of food, maybe it’s time to adopt a new meal planning strategy that will help you make better use of the food you have.

Bills, Statements, and Other Mail

After you’ve paid your bills and reviewed paper documents that come in the mail, you generally have no use for them (as many documents are available online). It’s time to tackle the papers in your ‘to shred’ pile and clear up your desk space. This is also a terrific time to reach out to providers to request having your bills sent to you via email instead.

Secrets Personal Organizers Would Never Tell You for Free Fri, 10 Dec 2021 18:46:22 +0000 Industry experts reveal the dirty details to help keep your home organized and clean.

Michelle Crouch

Create five piles

When you’re organizing, you should sort everything into five piles: move to another room, donate, give to a specific person, throw away and, finally, the “marinating” pile. Pack up the marinating items, and label the box with a date that’s six months to a year later. If you never open the box before that date, you can safely discard those items. 

Your goal should be to remove the clutter, not create more storage space

People who think they’re disorganized always run out and start buying baskets, containers and hooks. You come home and try to use them, and they’re not the right type or size, because you didn’t sort through your stuff first. That’s just backward. All those new containers just end up adding to your clutter. Is storing harder in the kitchen?

Hanging shoe bags

In addition to shoes, I use them for gloves and hats in the winter, sunscreen, sunglasses, and goggles in the summer, and crafts, toiletries, and makeup in the winter.

To expedite an organizational project:

Make guidelines on what you’ll keep and what you’ll toss. For example, in your closet, you can select to donate any clothes that aren’t between sizes x and y, is stained or has to be repaired. With magazines, you can choose not to keep anything older than a year.

Anything that needs to go somewhere should be in your car…

…not in your house. Keep your coupons there in a clear folder so you have them if you need them. Get an errand basket to hold items that need to be returned. Use crates to store kids’ toys and emergency supplies. Also, a car trash bag is a simple thing—get one!

You will always take at least five times as long.

Sorting through a box of personal papers often takes considerably longer than you expect. Make a note of which everyday documents you should shred and set them aside from the recycle pile to be properly disposed of.

The number one problem for all my clients: too much paper

The whole idea of a paperless society is a complete myth. People are seriously scared to get rid of it. Remember, 80 percent of the paper you get you don’t need to keep. So it’s imperative to keep weeding out every single day, whether that’s magazines, catalogs, mail, receipts or anything else.

Sure, you could sell that item on eBay…

…but are you interested in finishing your organizing project or starting a new career hocking used stuff? Unless you sell online all the time or need the money, I recommend just giving things away so you can move on.

Watch out for flat surfaces…

…which can quickly become drop zones for clutter. When my clients have a dining table that is always getting covered with junk, I’ll have them clear it off, put a flower arrangement in the middle, and set it with place settings. That usually prevents them from parking stuff there. 

My biggest secret?

Don’t procrastinate. If you postpone things that take a few minutes, it adds up and suddenly you’re looking at several hours to clear your clutter. Always open your mail right away, do dishes right after you use them, and put things away as soon as you’re done with them.

My favorite tip for a roomier kitchen…

…is to adjust cabinet shelves; it can create a lot more space. Also, get that popcorn machine, bread machine and the other huge appliances off your counter. If you don’t use it every week, store it in the attic or basement and get it out only when you need it. And do you really need all those plastic containers? Most people have cabinets full of them, but they only ever use a few. Figure out which ones you really use and donate the rest. 

Go into your closet today and hang everything backward on the rod

Once you wear something, hang it the normal way. A year from now, if you still have some things still hanging backward, you’re obviously not wearing them, so get rid of them.

Here’s a simple way to transform your closet:

Switch to one type of hanger. It makes a huge difference. If you have varying kinds, they get caught on each other, they’re not the same height and you can’t see everything as well. I especially love the thin hangers that are covered in velvet. Because they’re super slim, you can fit more into your closet, and your clothes won’t slip off them.

You’re going to be more motivated to get an area organized…

…if you make some changes you can get excited about. When you’re doing your closet, for example, throw up a coat of new paint, put down some cool floor tiles or a rug or add a beautiful fixture. It will make you want to keep it organized.

I swear I’m not a neat freak

Being organized doesn’t mean everything is in its place; it means everything has a place. If you can get your house ready for a surprise guest in 30 minutes, then you’re organized. Believe it: I have not one, but two junk drawers in my kitchen—and I sleep just fine at night. Need to get organized? 

Please, get rid of that storage unit

You could buy everything in there for the annual rental fee—and that doesn’t include the cost of the moving truck or your time. Furthermore, I’m sorry to say that the stuff you own are usually never worth as much as you believe. And who cares if they are? That’s still not a good reason to keep stuff you don’t use.

Laundry Room Storage Ideas That Will Blow Your Mind Thu, 09 Dec 2021 17:42:56 +0000 Storage reigns supreme in the quest to be organized. Particularly in the washing room. Though organizing and laundry rooms are mostly functional and practical, there’s no reason why your storage options can’t also be decorative. Simple wall-mounted shelving, cabinet units for baskets and bins, and laundry-specific equipment like fold-away ironing boards may greatly simplify your washing and drying tasks. You will not be sorry if you take the time to consider your storage needs and furnish your laundry room, whether you buy a furniture storage system or make your own DIY solution. Check out some of the best laundry room storage solutions we’ve seen on the internet.

By Sarita Harbour

Laundry Room Storage Ideas

Whether you’re dealing with a dedicated laundry room, a closet outfitted with a stacked washer and dryer, or simply the everyday challenge of finding a space where you can sort and fold clothes, you have storage options—if you know where to look. See how the following homeowners met their storage needs with smart, practical and repurposed solutions.

Triple-Duty Laundry Area

When living space is truly at a premium, look for ways to create a multipurpose area. This cozy nook serves not one, not two, but three purposes: laundry area, home office, and craft center.

Pantry-Style Laundry

What do you do when you don’t even have room for a laundry room? Tuck your washer and dryer into a kitchen pantry, and hide it behind cabinet doors. Shelves and hooks built into the door provide storage for detergents, cleaning solutions, and even brooms and mops.

Wash on the Walls

If you don’t have floor space for a stand-alone drying rack or traditional shelves for clothes, screw a strip (or two, in this case) of coat hooks to your laundry room wall. Then hang a clothes rack and light metal shelving to hold your laundry items.

Laundry Ladder

Wondering what to do with that old wooden ladder? Give it a coat of paint in your favorite color and hang it from your ceiling to act as a drying rack, or cut it and mount it to the wall to create a drop-down drying rack.

Dollhouse Laundry Storage

An old dollhouse is raised up on brackets to become storage for paper towels, soap, and other laundry room essentials.  

Laundry Chest Sorting Station

This isn’t a chest of drawers; rather, it’s a handy chest of laundry baskets! Baskets glide out on tracks for sorting, then neatly retract when not in use. To optimize efficiency, add a handmade ironing board countertop.

Big DIY PVC Laundry Sorting Station

Have a large family—or a certain teenager who just generates a ton of dirty clothes? Make this DIY laundry sorter out of inexpensive PVC pipe, fittings, and laundry bags.

Teeny Tiny Laundry Closet

Check out this laundry closet if you think your laundry room is too small. Despite its small size, it manages to house a washer and dryer as well as built-in shelves that carry a variety of laundry materials. The homeowners also included a flip-down ironing board beneath cabinet doors, a retro convenience that’s appropriate for today.

Laundry Sorting Center From Pallets

This space-saving laundry organization center was made from old pallets and three black laundry baskets. Chalkboard paint and paste wax provide a rich finish.

Lost Sock Holder

Lost socks are a laundry room inevitability. Place a metal basket on the wall to keep lost socks in and you can reunite them as soon as their mates reappear.

Wall Organizer

So many bits and pieces end up in the laundry room. Lost socks, hanging clothes ready to go into closets, and of course, the ironing board and iron. Organize them all together in an easy DIY wall unit, that also makes enough space on its shelf for a plant to brighten the room.

Over-the-Door Laundry Storage

If your laundry room doesn’t have space for conventional storage shelves or racks, do what this homeowner did and pick up an inexpensive over-the-door rack from your local hardware store. Paint the back of the door with chalkboard paint, and you can leave messages, washing instructions, or not-so-subtle notes about cleaning supplies to prod reluctant helpers!

Laundry Basket Storage

It’s very handy to have a place to store laundry baskets full of clothes until you’re ready to put them all away. This do-it-yourself version was built using just plywood and L-brackets. If necessary, the top is a great place to perform some ironing. It merges nicely in if you paint it to match the room.

Lint Bin

If you don’t have enough room for a trash can in your laundry room, you have a dilemma: where to put the dryer lint? It’s not convenient to duck outside while you’re in the middle of moving clothes from washer to dryer. Mount an outdoor flyer box onto the wall, and you’ve solved your problem. Paint it to match the room, and it doubles as decor.

Utility Closet Storage Options You Wish Knew Sooner Mon, 06 Dec 2021 16:50:03 +0000 By Alexa Erickson

When all of the items in your utility closet are neatly organized, you won’t believe how much space you have.

Over-the-Door Organizer

This multi-use storage solution is great for holding smaller items in your utility closet. The five-tier design hangs over the door, so you can preserve floor space for larger items. It also features adjustable shelving to accommodate different-sized items.

Your Utility Closet is Begging for TLC

The utility closet is an often-overlooked organizing opportunity. However, given the variety of functions the items in it serve in your home, such as mopping, sweeping, vacuuming, and ironing, it stands to reason that you’d want to provide them with proper storage that’s crisp and clean.

Rather than rummaging through your utility closet every time you need something, try one of the 12 storage solutions we’ve listed here. You won’t believe how easy it is to find everything, and how nice all of your hardworking products will look when they are neatly arranged on shelves, racks, hooks, and more.

Mop and Broom Holder

If your utility closet needs nothing more than a simple place to store your mop and broom, this holder has your name on it. The 4-inch depth keeps the damp mop away from the wall, so you can stop it from rotting and keep your walls clear of potential water damage.

Tower Organizer

This tower organizer is the “glow up” your utility closet deserves. The design allows you to easily adjust two of the five shelves to accommodate items of varying sizes. Free up the ground by storing your broom, mop and dustpan on the five-peg rack. 

Ironing Organizer

Storing ironing supplies can take up a lot of space. This organizer offers such items a place to neatly reside in your utility closet. The ironing organizer features two storage hooks for standard boards, along with a steel wire basket for your iron.

Rolling Rack for Cleaning Tools

This rack is great for easily maneuvering items from your utility closet to different parts of the home. The cart can hold up to 10 large tools and 12 small tools, like a vacuum cleaner, broom, dustpan and more, so you can keep everything organized without having to pull them individually out of the closet, creating more work later.

Tension Rod Shelves

This adjustable storage shelf rack is great for utilizing empty wall space. The easy-to-install design requires no tools, so you don’t have to worry about damaging the walls in your utility closet. Cleaning supplies like spray bottles, boxes of sponges, gloves, and more are ideal for storing on the shelves. 

Pull-Out Drawers

These closet baskets allow you to easily access items while keeping them organized. The heavy gauge wire construction and full-extension ball-bearing system allows you to easily open and close the drawers. Meanwhile, the sleek design offers a stylish attribute to your utility closet. 

Hardware Organizer

Hardware thrown in a junk drawer takes up space and is easy to misplace. Instead, add storage for such items to your utility closet with this organizer. It can be stacked or mounted on the wall and features eight small and four large dividable drawers.

Easy-to-Install Lighting

If storage shelves, drawers, or just the utility closet itself need better lighting, add more with this easy-to-install option. This two-pack features rechargeable, dimmable LED lights, and the motion sensor ensures all your items are within sight as soon as you open the door or drawers.

Stylish Bins

Add a hint of style to your utility closet with these contemporary storage bins. Store items like rags, towels, blankets and more in the Nordic baskets. The optional bamboo lids allow you to stack your baskets neatly. To easily pinpoint what’s in each bin, use a dry erase marker to label them, wiping off and re-labeling when needed.

Bag Dispenser

Don’t let bulky bag boxes take up unnecessary space in your utility closet. Instead, use this innovative bag dispenser. Simply stack your bags within the dispenser, and quickly pull them out when needed. 

Budget-Friendly Tips for Finally Organizing Your Home Sun, 05 Dec 2021 06:18:39 +0000 Statistics show that 98 percent of Americans prefer to cook at home. That is why keeping the kitchen, as well as other rooms in the house, clean is essential if you want to be in the right mood for cooking and relaxing.

A holder made of self-adhesive hooks

A vertical shoe shelf

Plastic shelves adjusted on magnets

A door with shelves for spices

A second life for egg cartoon boxes

 A convenient roll towel holder

A way to sort laundry baskets

A glass jar as an organizer for makeup

 A convenient way to store vegetables (and not only them)

Hanging baskets for fruits

Yogurt jars where anything can be stored

 An organizer for ribbons

Super hacks to make your home more stylish Sat, 04 Dec 2021 17:11:03 +0000 Without a doubt, we all want our homes to look like they belong on a magazine cover. We sometimes try so hard to change things that it appears as if we’re moving furniture, throwing things away, and buying everything in the new IKEA catalog. However, there is no need to start a major repair or make a major rearrangement. You only need a few simple tricks to create the perfect interior.

 Put a beautiful and practical jar organizer on the wall 

A jar organizer will save space in your bathroom and become a nice interior decoration.

A small mirror can become a cute decoration

You can turn an ordinary plastic-framed mirror into a beautiful interior decoration using rope and glue.

Create a stylish headboard

This headboard is super easy, inexpensive and makes a HUGE impact. I had all of the supplies on hand except for the plywood so it ended up being extra inexpensive for me!


  • 1 sheet of plywood – pick a quality piece with a pretty wood grain
  • jigsaw with wood cutting blade
  • sander or sanding block
  • 2 D-rings
  • stain color of your choice
  • staining pads
  • rubber gloves (for staining)
  • eye protection

First, place your plywood on a high surface with the edges hanging over so you can cut them without cutting your supports. I used old barstools but if you have saw horses, that would be ideal. I use what I have on hand as much as possible so the old bar stools won.

Using a pencil, draw a line along with one of the wood grain lines. This doesn’t have to be perfect. Just give yourself a guide while you’re cutting with the jigsaw. It will make your life easier, trust me. I traced a couple then chose the one with a prettier shape. That is totally a judgment call on your end. There’s not really a wrong way to do it. Just follow the grain-ish.

Put your eye protection on. Take your jigsaw with the wood cutting blade and cut along your line. This is a very beginner jigsaw project so don’t be afraid. Just learn how to use your saw, protect your eyes and be really careful, even if you’re comfortable with it. Your fingers are pretty important.  I feel like most accidents occur when people either don’t know how to use their tools or they get too comfortable and race through projects. Take your time and be safe, mkay?

Sand your edge with an electric sander or a sanding block to avoid any splintery areas. This was going in my 3 year old’s room so I wanted to make sure it was as smooth as possible.

Okay, I’m the worst and totally took pictures of the next steps on my phone and now I can’t find them to safe my life but it’s super easy to explain!

Next, you will stain the headboard. We love using staining pads. I used Minwax Golden Oak to stain it. You can learn how to stain by checking out our staining tutorial.

Finally, I attached the D-rings to the back to mount it on the wall. Try and place them strategically so you can line them up with studs on your wall.

Mirrors give the illusion of space

Place mirrors on closet doors to refresh the interior and visually expand a small room. Click here to watch the process of creating mirrored doors.

 Make a lamp shade a piece of art

Replace your old lampshade with a new and stylish one. 

Creative ties will make curtains look attractive

Lovely and unusual ties like these will be the highlight of the interior.

Create a colorful frame for the TV

Use a colorful frame to highlight a TV in the room. 

Use drawers to increase storage space

Drawers under the bed will help you increase space for storing things and keep your home organized.

Dark colors make a ceiling look higher

Dark ceilings and light walls will add depth and finesse to the interior.

Cover outlets and switches with colorful cases

You can perfectly fit electrical outlets and switches into the interior design by decorating them with scrapbook paper, mosaic tiles or other small items. 

Play with colors to get the illusion of a high ceiling

Don’t paint the walls up to the top to create the illusion of a high ceiling. 

Budget-Saving Tips to Finally Organize Your Home Tue, 30 Nov 2021 21:39:18 +0000 98 percent of Americans prefer to cook at home, according to data. That is why keeping the kitchen, as well as other areas in the house, clean is crucial if you want to be in the mood to cook or simply relax.

A holder made of self-adhesive hooks

 A vertical shoe shelf

Plastic shelves adjusted on magnets

A door with shelves for spices

 A convenient roll towel holder

 A glass jar as an organizer for makeup

A convenient way to store vegetables (and not only them)

Hanging baskets for fruits

Yogurt jars where anything can be stored

A hanger for boots

An unusual solution for storing knives

An original way to leave notes

A convenient ironing board on the washing machine

An organizer for toys made of flower holders

A hanger for hats made of clothespins

A spice rack that can be easily pulled down when needed

A second life for egg cartoon boxes

Big Ideas for Small Closets That You Wish Knew Sooner Wed, 24 Nov 2021 16:30:33 +0000 Free up space, amp up the style, and reclaim your sanity with 21 clever ideas for making small closets big!

By Manasa Reddigari |

There is never enough storage space. Whether they live in a little cottage or a large estate, homeowners usually seem to moan about the closets—their disappointing scarcity and annoyingly small size. There’s no need to feel bad about it. But if you’re not ready to give up yet—if you still have a little fight left in you—don’t despair. Many individuals before you have faced closet conundrums and triumphed, sometimes via creative DIY hacks, sometimes through wise purchases, but always by making the most of every single square inch. Continue reading for the best small closet ideas from senior design gurus and the most space-savvy average Joes!


Empty soda cans may take up space in the recycling bin, but in a cramped closet, they create more. How? By doubling the number of garments you can hang on one hanger. Simply pop the tab off the can and slip it around the hook of a hanger. You can then slip another hanger through the hole in the tab. Easy, effective and best of all, free.


This homemade hanger hack may be the missing ‘link’ between you and a clutter-free closet. Here’s what to do: Spray-paint a foot-long plastic chain in any color you like, then attach the last link to a large S-hook. Fit the S-hook over the closet rod and finally—the coup de grace!—slip hangers hooks through each link in the chain. Smart, right?


Take your most frequently worn items out of the closet and store them out in the open, in a freestanding organizer like this one. Watching your spending? Don’t shop for one; make your own instead. There are options aplenty. You can even get creative. The clothes rack picture came together entirely with repurposed materials, including an old office cabinet.


In a space-challenged closet, forgo a single, inefficient tension rod in favor of this double-duty DIY organizer. By reserving half the closet for a skinny shelf and the other half for two short rods, you’ll create ample room for garments that hang as well as space for shoes and folded clothing, while minimizing visual clutter.


It’s never too early to teach your little ones how to get organized. Easier said than done perhaps, but this simple idea certainly helps get the message across. What’s involved? Simply install a companion closet rod at a child-friendly height, both to let kids hang up their own clothes and also to give the closet a handy additional rung of hanging space.


Escape clutter and invite rustic charm into your bedroom by eschewing a traditional out-swinging door in favor of one that slides back and forth. Barn doors are nothing new, of course, and there are many possible approaches, but one thing’s certain—there’s no better fix if your problem amounts to not being easily able to reach items toward the back or along the side of your closet.


For fashionable footwear display without the sticker shock, try this shoe rack on for size. It couldn’t be simpler: Just prop a sheet of sturdy wire mesh against the wall, then slip high heels in between the wires.


Many homeowners who purchase a custom closet solution end up believing it was money well spent. Hiring professionals isn’t your only option, though. If you have the tools and experience, why not design and build your own? In fact, even for novice woodworkers, building out closet shelving and cubbies often makes for a satisfying project.


Need a place to put bath linens? Try mounting multiple towel bars inside the door to the nearest closet. You can even add curtain rings to the towel rods if you need to store them, not towels and washcloths, but small, loose items like jewelry.


Successfully cramming more and more into a small closet isn’t the be all and end all. After all, to be truly satisfied with a closet, you need it to hold what you want, but you also need to be able to find what you need. Want to go the extra mile? Label shelves and cubbies to help make sure there’s a place for everything, and that everything stays in its place as time goes by.


Why is it so hard to keep clothes neatly folded on closet shelves? We may never know. But in the meantime, here’s a great way to reinstate order: set dividers at regular intervals along the full length of each shelf. That way, folded shirts, pants, and sweaters don’t revert to formless mounds of fabric that are a pain to sort and sift through.


Bins and baskets are the go-to storage solutions for a small closet, but if they’re not properly marked, finding the item you want can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Before stashing closed storage bins in a closet, be sure to attach plain or decorative labels to them for easy retrieval.


For certain items, S-hooks are your best bet, and that’s especially true in closet corners too cramped to accommodate the fuller width of a traditional hanger. Here, S-hooks hang alongside wire hangers to keep purses, belts, and hats suspended within easy arm’s reach.


Are there homeless hats, scarves, and belts hanging over the backs of chairs throughout your house? Stop the madness! There’s a better way: Create an off-the-wall organizer to serve as the designated, permanent home for accessories. Your solution doesn’t need to be fancy. Look at this one: It’s nothing more than a hanger on a nail, embellished with homemade hooks.


A bare-bones wardrobe assistant like this one provides the perfect perch for neckties and similar items. Mount yours to a side wall in the closet, to the back of the closet door, or even in your bedroom dressing area. Making one involves nothing more than driving a series of nails into the surface of a painted-or-stained piece of scrap wood.
