home hacks – Legend Stitch https://legendstitch.com Make Your Day Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:23:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://legendstitch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png home hacks – Legend Stitch https://legendstitch.com 32 32 231211893 Time-Saving Tips to Smartly Solve Your Everyday Problems https://legendstitch.com/time-saving-tips-to-smartly-solve-your-everyday-problems/ Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:23:32 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=23049 BRIGHTSIDE ME

Only 2% of the people in the world have an IQ high enough to be a MENSA member, but even they probably don’t know all of the hacks we’ve collected for you in this handy list.

Soap the zipper to work better

If you’ve been struggling with a pesky little zipper that just doesn’t want to work and keeps sending you running into somebody who can fix it — struggle no more. Use some simple soap to “butter it up” (butter would work too, but it stains and comes off easily). You can also try a bit of a hair gel for the same purpose.

If you’ve been struggling with a pesky little zipper that just doesn’t want to work and keeps sending you running into somebody who can fix it — struggle no more. Use some simple soap to “butter it up” (butter would work too, but it stains and comes off easily). You can also try a bit of a hair gel for the same purpose.

Renew a marker

Markers have a tendency to stop working, like many things, when you need them the most. But no worries, if you have a deodorant, that is gas or alcohol-based, spray it inside the marker and give it a new life at least for a little while.

Cook corn on the cob in 5 minutes.

This simple trick will give you delicious corn on the cob in minutes.

Wrap an ear of corn in a wet paper towel;
Put it in the microwave on “high” for 5 minutes;
Carefully unwrap the corn and enjoy.
If you’d like to add some more “oomph” to it, smear butter on the corn before wrapping it.

Put your phone on airplane mode to save battery

All of us have been in this situation once or twice — our phone battery is on its last breath and we have to make a crucial call to our job or a loved one. So to keep what’s left of your phones energy until that time — simply put the phone on airplane mode. This will cut all connections to the internet or GPS and even the processes that run automatically and usually take up a lot of your device’s energy. This tip will save you for sure.

Use Velcro to store needles and other small things.

As much as Velcro gets to be used in fashion it is usually overlooked as a homeowner’s little helper. With double sided Velcro you can make any surface into a storage of sorts. And if you are into sewing your own clothing — make it a “pin cushion” — just take a piece of Velcro and put your needle through its little loops. It will not only secure them in one place, but also potentially prevent somebody from stepping on a loose needle.

Use hair dryer to remove stickers

This handy tool we use almost every day can help us with this problem. We’ve all struggled to take a sticker off of something that was brand new. The hair dryer provides a gentle heat to melt the production glue, which is the main problem. So you can heat up the sticker, remove it gently, and then take off the residue with a wet napkin or a wipe.

Label spice jars and bottles the correct way.

Kitchen lovers love to print cute little labels for the tops of mason jars, but what if we suggest that the side of the jar would be a better place? You see, lids can be easily switched up and you don’t want any salt in your coffee, do you? So, in a hurry, it would make perfect sense to look for the jar without the danger of somebody (or yourself) playing a cruel prank on you.

Use baby powder for a day at the beach

One annoying thing about beaches is that sand gets absolutely everywhere. To prevent this — pack a travel-size baby powder bottle and rub the baby powder on your skin. Sand will fall right off the skin that was “powered up.”

Keep brown sugar soft

Brown sugar is amazing for brownies, cookies, and even BBQ sauce recipes. But if you’ve ever had it in your pantry, you know it gets dry and hard pretty fast. To avoid this you can simply put a piece of bread, a slice of an apple, or a couple of marshmallows in the container you keep your brown sugar in

Ways to Save Time on Your Spring To-Do List https://legendstitch.com/ways-to-save-time-on-your-spring-to-do-list/ Tue, 30 Nov 2021 23:16:38 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=23037 With the arrival of warmer weather, we all want to relax and enjoy ourselves. However, your to-do list is longer than ever, thanks to deep spring cleaning inside the house and all the accumulated upkeep and repairs outside. To help you get things done faster, we’ve put up a list of clever and simple time-saving tactics that will help you get through even the toughest chores—both inside and outside the house. Get started immediately, and you’ll be ready to kick your feet up and enjoy the nice weather in no time. This post has been brought to you by John Deere.

By Oliver Harriett

Mop the walls

Though you probably tackle horizontal surfaces like floors and countertops regularly, vertical ones tend to get neglected. By the time spring rolls around, they’re in dire need of cleaning to remove smudged fingerprints and layers of dust. Rather than climbing a ladder with a bucket and sponge and scrubbing your way along the wall, try using a long-handled dust mop or a lightly dampened sponge mop instead. Start at the ceiling and work your way down, in two- to three-foot-wide sections, and you’ll be done in a jiffy.

Clean ceiling fans fast

Dust has been accumulating on the blades of your ceiling fan all winter long. The last thing you want is to spread that nastiness all over the place as you clean. So, try this quick trick: Slip a pillowcase over a fan blade and wipe it down using gentle pressure, trapping all the dust inside the case. Clean off each blade, then toss the pillowcase in the wash.

Bathe the blinds

You could waste a whole weekend washing vinyl or aluminum window blinds slat by slat with a sponge—or you could soak them in a bathtub filled with warm, lightly soapy water and a touch of vinegar. Just let the blinds sit for 15 minutes while you do other things, then drain the tub and run the shower to rinse. (Note: Never saturate wood blinds in this way, though, as they could warp.)

De-gunk the shower curtain liner

If you’ve spotted mold and mildew in your shower, you might be dreading the task at hand. Save yourself some time and effort by taking down the shower curtain liner and running it through the wash while you grab an old toothbrush to clean the grout and caulk. Be sure to throw in a few used towels with the liner. The towels will rub against the liner to help remove accumulated dirt and prevent it from crinkling up. Hang the liner outdoors to dry, or machine-dry on the lowest heat setting.

Banish burner grime

A winter’s worth of stews, sauces, and sautés has probably left a coating of caked-on grease all over your stove burners, caps, and grates. Rather than spending time scouring them, pop each one in a plastic bag with a small amount of household ammonia, seal the bags, and let them sit overnight. Everything will be sparkling by morning. (Just be sure to open the bags in a well-ventilated space and wash the pieces well before you replace them.)

Glide into grilling season

The secret to speedy grill prep? Light the barbecue and, while it’s heating up, peel and halve a large onion—not for eating, but rather for cleaning. Stick a long-handled barbecue fork into the rounded portion of the onion, then apply the cut side to the grill, putting to good use the onion’s pungent flavor and its unique antiseptic properties. Rub the onion back and forth with moderate pressure, and watch the accumulated gunk disappear.

Take a two-fisted approach.

Tackle your chores like an accomplished pianist—use both hands! Scrub tubs with two sponges, one in your left and one in your right. Move down a kitchen counter quickly by spraying the surface with one hand while at the same time wiping up the crumbs with the other. Dust in double time by wielding two feather dusters at once: one in one hand to deal with nooks and crannies, and a second one in the other to clean off surfaces.

Discover new dishwasher duties

Guess what? The dishwasher isn’t just for dishes! It can also help you save all those hours you spend at the sink, hand-washing metal, glass, plastic, and porcelain items that have been sitting around the house collecting dirt for months. Simply load up the dishwasher with the likes of hairbrushes, plastic toys, soap dispensers, cabinet knobs, drawer pulls, and even removable shower heads, then run a cycle for gleaming results.

Steam-clean the microwave

To banish stuck-on stains and splatters from inside the nuker, combine in a microwave-safe bowl two cups of water, two tablespoons of white vinegar, and either a few drops of your favorite essential oil or a full slice of lemon. Heat the mixture, uncovered, in the microwave on high for five minutes. The vinegar disinfects, the steam softens the gunk, and the citrus scent freshens. All that’s left is for you to wipe the machine clean, no scrubbing required.

Important Places You Need to Clean Before Guests Arrive https://legendstitch.com/important-places-you-need-to-clean-before-guests-arrive/ Sun, 28 Nov 2021 10:08:43 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=22624 If guests are on their way and you have yet to plug in the vacuum or pick up a scrub brush, don’t fret. By tackling a few impactful cleaning tasks, you can get your home company-ready in a matter of minutes. The key to success is focusing on the areas that visitors are most likely to frequent and enlisting family members to help.

Read on for the most important spots to clean before guests arrive and learn a few tricks for getting each task done as efficiently as possible. You might even find this routine helpful for giving your home a quick clean at any time.

1. Pick up the entryway.

Start with your entryway to ensure guests are greeted by a tidy, welcoming space. Remove clutter near the door and make room for guests to kick off shoes and hang up coats. Use a vacuum or broom to sweep the floors, or, at the very least, take rugs outside to shake out loose dirt, dust, and debris.

2. Tidy up the kitchen.

If your gathering involves food, chances are guests will end up in the kitchen at some point. Put away any dishes in the sink and clear unnecessary items off the countertop to instantly create the impression of a cleaner kitchen. Vacuum or sweep any noticeable crumbs on the floor, and wipe down the counters with a damp microfiber cloth or cleaning wipe.

3. Vacuum high-traffic areas.

You might not have time to mop the floors and deep-clean your carpets before guests arrive, but a quick pass with the vacuum can go a long way. Focus on areas that will see the most traffic during the event, such as the living room and connecting hallways, as well as any spots where you can see visible dirt or debris like pet hair. Using a cordless vacuum lets you easily move from room to room without wasting time on tangled cords.

4. Speed-clean the bathroom.


Take a few minutes to clean the bathroom guests are likely to use. To save time, apply toilet bowl cleaner first, then start on other surfaces while it sanitizes. Use a glass cleaner to remove smudges and water spots from the mirror, and wipe down the countertops and sink using an all-purpose cleaner. A damp microfiber cloth can also work if you’re really in a hurry. Once the other surfaces are clean, grab the toilet brush, give the bowl a quick scrub, and flush. Lastly, put out fresh hand towels and ensure the bathroom is stocked with plenty of soap and toilet paper.

5. Do a quick declutter.

Declutter your home’s main gathering areas with this simple trick: Grab a laundry basket and fill it with any items that don’t belong in the room. If you don’t have time to put things away in their rightful places, stash the entire basket in a spot where guests aren’t likely to look, such as the primary bedroom closet or laundry room.

6. Fluff living room furniture.


Instantly give your living room a more polished look by refreshing the furniture. Start by straightening and fluffing the sofa cushions and pillows. To give pillows a plump look, strike the top with a karate-chop motion, which creates crisp corners and makes the middle appear fuller. Fold up any throw blankets or drape them nicely over an arm. Strategic placement of pillows or throws is also an easy way to cover up any spots or stains you didn’t have a chance to clean. If you have time, go over the sofa with a handheld vacuum or lint roller to pick up any crumbs or dust that have settled into the fabric.

7. Dust common surfaces.

Clear away unsightly dust on easily visible areas such as coffee tables, baseboards, and lampshades. You can skip areas that guests likely won’t notice, such as the top of your refrigerator or ceiling fan. When you don’t have time to spray and wipe every surface, a handheld microfiber duster ($5, Target) can make quick work of this chore.

Common Things We Didn’t Know We Have Been Using Wrong https://legendstitch.com/common-things-we-didnt-know-we-have-been-using-wrong/ Fri, 26 Nov 2021 20:53:22 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=22540 You may have been misusing the blue button on your hairdryer, or your travel pillow may not have been particularly pleasant. This is because we don’t always know how to utilize some products correctly, and figuring it out will make life a lot easier for everyone.

To add a new key to your key rings, use a staple remover. Wedge it between the coils and it will be easier to slide your new key on

Travel pillows actually go in front and it’s more comfortable this way

The lines on the Solo plastic cups are to measure a serving size.

The blue button on hairdryers isn’t meant for cooling yourself off when you get hot… it’s for setting your hairstyles

 You have most likely used the wrong plunger for a toilet. The toilet plunger has a cup with a soft flap

The elongated packets should be broken in half above the cup. It’s easier to get the sugar out and you won’t have little pieces of paper flying all around

You can make those rectangular Chinese takeout holders into plates

The shopping carts’ loops are for hanging bags after you pass the checkout. This is to give you more space inside the cart

The hole at the bottom of a padlock is to pour engine oil or any other type of oil in case the lock gets stuck

This is the proper way to store your mac charger and to increase its longevity

Clever Uses for Coffee Filters You’ll Wish You’d Discovered Earlier https://legendstitch.com/clever-uses-for-coffee-filters-youll-wish-youd-discovered-earlier/ Mon, 22 Nov 2021 17:00:15 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=21918 Coffee filters are used every day to produce your favorite morning cup, but they also have a variety of other applications around the house. Continue reading to learn how to use coffee filters to clean your glasses, protect food in the microwave, and more!

Clean cast iron

There are a lot of ways to clean cast iron skillets, like with coarse salt. You can also use a coffee filter to soak up any remaining moisture after washing it. The coffee filter will help prevent rusting.

Make an air freshener

Out of all the uses for coffee filters, this might be the easiest! Fill a coffee filter with baking soda, twist-tie it shut and you have just made an air freshener. Make several and tuck them into shoes, wardrobes, the fridge or wherever else they may be needed.

Clean your specs

Next time you clean your glasses, try using a coffee filter instead of a tissue. Good-quality coffee filters are made from 100% virgin paper, so you can clean your glasses without leaving lint. You can also use them safely to polish mirrors, TV, and computer monitor screens.

Create a non-medical face mask

The coronavirus pandemic has seen new (and previously unforeseen) uses for coffee filters: They’re one of three common household items you’ll need to create a DIY face mask. Follow the step-by-step instructions in the video above to see how coffee filters, hair ties, and a bandana can be used to assemble a non-medical face mask for your next trip to the grocery store—no sewing required!

Line a sieve

If you save your cooking oil for reuse after deep-frying, line your sieve with a basket-style coffee filter to remove smaller food remnants and impurities.

Make your own tea

If you drink a lot of tea and like to save money then you might want to consider transforming coffee filters into tea bags. Sure it requires a little extra effort, but if you’re in a pinch it’ll work like a cinch!

Dry glassware

Water spots can be a real annoyance. You clean your glassware and think it’s been dried properly only to pull out a foggy, spotted glass that no one wants to drink out of. Enter all the uses for coffee filters. Because of the quality of paper used to make coffee filters (after all, who wants paper bits in their morning joe?), coffee filters don’t leave any lint or smears behind. This makes them perfect to fully dry off your glassware without a trace.

Clean stainless steel

Because coffee filters won’t leave any lint or residue behind, they’re a great cleaning tool. One of our favorite uses for coffee sheets in our cleaning repertoire is to use them to clean or polish our stainless steel for a perfect streak-free finish.

Prevent soil leakage

When you’re repotting a plant, line the pot with a coffee filter to keep the soil from leaking out through the drain hole.

Make an instant funnel

Cut the end off a cone-style coffee filter to make an instant funnel. Keep a few in your car and use them to avoid spillage when you add a quart of oil or two.

Treat a fever

The many uses of coffee filters also extend to your health! Soak a few filters in brewed tea or cold water and chill in your freezer. Fold the filter up to make a cold compress to tame a headache or puffy eyes.

Protect stacked plates

Whether storing your fine china on the shelf or packing your everyday dishes for transport, layer some coffee filters between each plate to prevent nicks and scrapes.

Make a colourful goodie bag

Use some washable markers to draw a pattern on a coffee filter, then lightly mist it with water from a spray bottle. Fill the filter with candy or coins, fold it into a pouch, and tie up the top with a ribbon.

Polish without a mess

Absorbent and durable, coffee filters are perfect for removing nail polish from your fingernails or spreading shoe polish on your boots.

Face oil blotting sheets

The uses for coffee filters also include beauty—they’re great for using on your face to remove oil or for use on your skin. Coffee filters are way cheaper than blotting sheets and will work just as well because they made from nearly the same material. You can get extra crafty and cut up some coffee filters into squares to carry around in a tin so you have some in stock anywhere you go.

Empty coffee grounds into your garden

Rinse your coffee grounds out to remove extra acids—you can do this with the old filter to make things easier. Then mix with your soil in a flowerbed or garden! The grounds will add valuable nitrogen to the soil without altering the pH balance too much and without rotting. It’s one of the best waste items to use in your garden.

Filtering water

Filter out solids through a coffee filter before purifying water.

Carry messy food

A cone filter is a perfect size for holding a pita, quesadilla, or another hot pocket on the go.

Serve snacks, dish-free

A basket filter becomes a perfect makeshift bowl for popcorn, candy, chips, and other movie night favorites.

How to Easily Fix Broken Trim on Furniture https://legendstitch.com/how-to-easily-fix-broken-trim-on-furniture/ Thu, 18 Nov 2021 18:30:00 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=21510 If the trim or detail is either missing, broken off, or damaged on your old pieces of furniture, don’t throw them out! This article is going to show you how to easily fix that broken trim work on vintage, antique furniture, or thrift furniture.

Fixing the wood trim on old pieces of furniture is easier than you may expect! Sure you have most of these tools in your own home already!

Find the Twin of the Broken Piece

First, you need to find a matching piece of trim. Most pieces of furniture have at least two pieces of matching trim. One on either side of the piece of furniture. So look to the opposite side of the furniture and see if that same detailed wood is still intact on the other side.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Notice on this dresser, there is a star on the bottom left, but not on the bottom right. The detail on the bottom center is also halfway broken. This is such a good candidate for this trick because we can use the one star and the other half of the detail on the bottom center to make new details.

Basically the goal is to use the twin of the broken trim to make a new piece that looks exactly like the broken one.

You can also use this method to recreate broken feet, corners, detailed grooves, etc.

You can even take a detail from a different piece of furniture and put it on a completely different piece of furniture. Once you have the mold, the sky is the limit.

Supplies to Fix Trim and Details on Old Furniture:

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

  • Piece of Trim to Duplicate
  • Pam / Vaseline
  • Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
  • Bondo
  • Utility Knife
  • Sandpaper

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

  1. Grease the area or trim piece that you are duplicating. I’ve used Vaseline or Pam cooking spray. The goal is to grease that area so you can get the glue off. If you skip this step, you might have a hard time removing the glue.
  2. This will make it easy to get the hot glue off of the trim work.
  3. With a hot glue gun, completely cover the trim / detail with hot glue. The hot glue needs to get into the details, and completely cover the area you want to duplicate.
  4. Let the glue cool completely and dry. This will create a mold of the detail.
  5. Carefully take off the glue mold.
  6. Now you can use the mold to create more trim, or to fix areas of damaged trim.
  7. Be sure to grease the mold before putting any type of product in it.
  8. Once the new trim piece is created out of Bondo, use a utility knife to shave off the excess bondo before it dries hard. Then sand the edges and details to form the trim better.

We choose to use Bondo because of how strong it dries. This stuff dries super hard and is very strong. If you’re only wanting to create some pretty details, I’m sure you could use a clay of some sort instead.

How to Make Details and Trim with Hot Glue Molds

The Damaged Dresser Frame

On this dresser, a small amount of trim was chipped off of the structural frame below the drawer.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

  • Make a mold of the same trimUse a sharp utility knife to cut a straight edge on the mold (so it can sit right next to the edge of the leg)
  • Smother bondo onto the damaged trim
  • Placed the greased mold over the bondo
  • Press the mold into place until the bondo starts to harden.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

**Don’t let the bondo sit too long or it will get too hard to shape

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

  • Use the utility knife to shave off excess bondo
  • Let the Bondo dry completely
  • Sand the Bondo and surrounding areas down until completely smooth
  • Sanding bondo mold smooth

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

This method works with so many different variations too!!

Once the bondo is dry and shaped, it’s ready for paint!

Note: If there isn’t another piece of trim that matches what you’re wanting to fix, there are a couple of things you can do. Either take off the trim completely to make a cohesive look, or find another piece of detail on the furniture that you like, and use that as a guide.

Missing Trim on an End Table

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

On this table, part of the detail was chipped off. So we made a mold on the other side of the table leg, put an excessive amount of bondo over the broken area, then squished the mold onto the table.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

We held the mold until it was firm, but not completely hard (about 4 minutes).

Then we used a sharp utility blade to cut off the excess bondo and form the bondo even more into the shape we wanted.

It’s best to do this quickly, and once the bondo is just barely set. If you wait too long the bondo will be too hard to cut. At that point sanding is the only option, and that’s a pain!

After the bondo was shaped, we let it dry completely, and then sanded off the thin remains and shaped it a little better with 220 grit sandpaper.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Missing Wood Veneer

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

On another dresser, the bottom detail had broken off. For this one, we basically reversed the mold method, and used the mold to create a dam where the bondo couldn’t go.

First we created a mold of the carved out detail. I made sure the glue didn’t run out of the carved detail, but only filled in the carving.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

Once it was dry, I removed the glue, greased it, and placed it in the carving right above the missing wood.

Then I slathered the bondo over the area with the missing wood.

This time I removed the glue mold before the Bondo started to set up. This was a little tricky to do without messing up the Bondo.

Then I let the Bondo set up for a few minutes before I started to shape it with the utility knife.

Once the Bondo was completely dry, I was able to sand it down to the perfect shape with 220 grit sandpaper.

Credit: arayofsunlight.com

There are so many ways you can use this same method to create new detail, fix old details or let your imagination run wild.

You can use the same methods to recreate a broken corner, recreate a broken leg, make new details, the list goes on and on.

20+ Simple Yet Genius Hacks To Make Your Space A Whole Lot Bigger https://legendstitch.com/20-simple-yet-genius-hacks-to-make-your-space-a-whole-lot-bigger/ Fri, 12 Nov 2021 16:58:05 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=20889 Smart storage and a little ingenuity—can make your space seem bigger, cleaner, and better organized. We’ve rounded up 20+ genius home storage hacks that will leave you wondering what to do with all that extra space.

1. Opt for a Box Spring With Drawers

If the clutter in your bedroom has reached untenable levels, try swapping out your existing box spring for one with drawers, or a similarly-designed platform bed. Doing so will help you clear out clutter while maintaining the precious storage space under your bed, as well.

2. Store Your Shoes in Clear Boxes

Want to make your closet easier to manage in an instant? Instead of using a bulky rack or unattractive over-the-door shoe organizer, store your shoes in clear boxes. This will keep your shoes neatly organized and make it easy to find your favorite pair in a hurry.

3. Use a Magnetic Rack to Hold Kitchen Utensils

Even if you’re living in a massive home, counter space always seems to be at a premium. One easy solution is to take those utensils that would otherwise clutter up your counter or drawers (we’re looking at you, spatulas), and hang them from a magnetic rack adhered to your wall.

4. Hang Your Hamper on the Back of a Door

Face it: a hamper is little more than a socially-acceptable means of keeping a pile of dirty laundry on display in your room. Considering that your average hamper also takes up about as much space as a side table, it’s well worth it to find alternate solutions to your laundry issues. Instead of cluttering up your room, try hanging your hamper bags from a hook on the back of your closet door and you’ll instantly have extra feet of usable space.

5. Store a Trash Can or Recycling Bin Under Your Kitchen Cabinets

There are few things less attractive than an oversized garbage can taking up space in your kitchen. To effectively hide it, mount some tracks inside a kitchen cabinet and opt for a rolling bin instead.

6. Use a Pegboard for Wall Storage

Want to make some extra room in your small space? Affix a pegboard to your wall. This inexpensive addition to your room has a low profile, but is an easy way to keep everything from purses to scarves from cluttering up your coat rack, or—worse yet—ending up on your floor.

7. Hang Fruits and Vegetables in Baskets

Clear off some space on your counter or in your fridge by installing a hanging basket in your kitchen instead. Not only will this give you plenty of space that can be put to better use, it may actually save some of your produce: bananas, avocados, and citrus fruits don’t hold up as well in the fridge, anyway.

8. Create a Cork Jewelry Board

Ditch that jewelry box that’s been cluttering up your closet shelf in favor of a cork board. This low-profile storage solution can help you keep all those earrings in one place, those necklaces untangled, and actually looks pretty cute with a painted frame around it. And when you want to improve your own accessories collection, start with these 15 Killer Style Accessories You Never Knew You Needed.

9. Hang Towel Bars to Organize Scarves and Belts

If you’re constantly digging through the same tangled pile of belts and scarves, you’re not alone. The good news? Using an inexpensive towel bar can help you keep those accessories organized while clearing up a ton of space in your closet or drawer.

10. Mount a Mail Drawer to Your Wall

We all have that one piece of furniture in our house that ends up being a receptacle for all those non-important pieces of mail we keep meaning to toss or shred. To keep your mail collection more organized, affix a mail drawer to your wall and you’ll instantly have the top of that table or ottoman available for its intended purpose again.

11. Create a Storage Bench Using a Cube Organizer

Kill two birds with one stone and make storage space and enjoy a comfortable place to take off your shoes with some cube storage. Put a cushion on top and use the drawers underneath to keep your hats, gloves, and other outdoor accessories contained.

12. Use Mason Jars to Contain Your Sewing Kit

Sticking your hand into a messy oversized sewing bag is about as fun as, well, sticking your hand into a bag of needles. Fortunately, you can quickly make space by storing your sewing essentials in a Mason jar instead—bonus points for attaching a pin cushion to the top to store those pins and needles that would otherwise jab you.

13. Hang Your Mugs from Hooks

It happens to the best of us: you start out with one mug and suddenly, your collection has exploded, occupying massive amounts of much-needed cabinet space. To reclaim the room your mugs once occupied, add some hooks to the bottom of your cabinets and you’ll have tons more room in an instant.

14. Store Towels in a Hanging Shoe Rack

Those unwieldy towels in your linen closet probably take up a lot more room than you want them to. The solution? Use a hanging shoe rack and roll your towels, sticking one into each compartment.

15. Put Shelves Above Your Doorframe

One of the most underused spaces in a home is the area between doorframe and the ceiling. Add some storage shelves to this part of your rooms and you’ll instantly be enjoying less clutter and more overall space.

16. Hang Double Bars in Your Closet

Make your closet perform double duty by increasing the number of bars you use. Mount one bar up high for items you only use once in a while and mount the other at waist height for clothes you wear on a regular basis.

17. Use S-hooks to Hang Items from Wire Shelving

If you have wire closet shelving, make the most of it and clear up some shelf or drawer space by hanging S-hooks from its bars. These inexpensive additions to your shelving are perfect for hanging belts, ties, scarves, and purses without cluttering your space.

18. Hide Remotes in a Storage Ottoman

That array of remotes littering your coffee table takes up a surprising amount of space. To nip this clutter in the bud, invest in a storage ottoman, where you can hide them—and anything else that tends to clutter your living room surfaces.

19. Use Floating Shelves

Bookshelves are a useful design feature, but they also take up a significant amount of room—a major concern for anyone dealing with a small space. The good news? Floating shelves can provide a stylish solution to your space problem, leaving your books on display without taking up precious floor space.

20. Hang Shelves on the Underside of Joists

If your basement is cluttered from top to bottom, make use of its joists to create more storage space. Attaching storage, whether in the form of baskets or racks, to the underside of your joists can help clear up tons of room in no time.

21. Use Letter Holders to Store Your Cutting Boards

That pile of cutting boards cluttering up your cabinet can be organized in a snap with one item: a magazine holder. Simply store your cutting boards in one and they’ll be far easier to find—and less likely to rain down on you—when you open your cabinet.

22. Hang Your Bicycle On Your Wall

Biking is a great way to get exercise on your commute, but there’s no denying that bikes take up a shocking amount of room in your average home or apartment. Instead, use a wall-mounted rack and you’ll instantly afford yourself a significant amount of extra floor space.

23. Maximize Storage Space Under Your Couch

One of the most useful storage spaces in your home is also one of the most-often overlooked: the space under your couch. If your couch has legs, you can likely fit some storage boxes for items you don’t use frequently, like electronics manuals, extra cables, or tools, underneath, and better yet, will clear up a ton of visible space in the process.

Easy Fixes For A Dishwasher That’s Not Draining https://legendstitch.com/easy-fixes-for-a-dishwasher-thats-not-draining/ Thu, 11 Nov 2021 22:21:25 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=20834 If your dishwasher is not draining water properly (or not draining at all), then you will know what misery feels like (for a brief amount of time). Water clogging can leave you with foul smells which can be unbearable.

Luckily, you can deal with this issue pretty quickly and with much ease. Here are a few easy fixes for a dishwasher that is not draining.

Drainage problems in dishwashers can happen chiefly due to these two major reasons-

  • Plumbing related issues
  • Appliance related issues

We will learn about both these issues and the sub-issues under them thoroughly to diagnose the problem with your dishwasher.

#1. Plumbing Related Issues

We‘ll go through plumbing-related issues first, as this is mostly where the trouble emerges and not in the dishwasher itself.


  • Screwdrivers
  • Wrenches

Note- Until you diagnose the actual cause behind the improper drainage, you must follow each instruction given below. If none of these work, then only proceed to the appliance-related issues.

Steps For Troubleshooting

1. Inspecting the Garbage Disposal

The drain hose of a dishwasher usually connects to the garbage disposal. Food leftovers, calcium deposits caused by hard water, and other debris resulting in clogging which leaves no space for water in the dishwasher to move out.

To clean the garbage disposal, pour about two cups of vinegar into the dishwasher, and run a normal cycle. This will flush away all the muck.

Tip- Repeat this process once a month and also run the garbage disposal before every use, this will make sure that your dishwasher works efficiently and effectively.

2. Cleaning the Sink’s Air Gap

Air gaps (small cylinders that prevent the drain water from slipping back into the dishwasher) are installed right next to the faucet of the kitchen sink to prevent air from locking in and creating a vacuum.

Due to grease and grime, clogging can happen in the air gap, this can be the case if the water is coming out of the air gap. Twist-open the air gap and clean it up with the help of a stiff brush and soap. Make sure the hose which attaches the air gap to the garbage disposal is free from clogs.

3. Inspecting the High-Loop

In a few cases, specialists prefer installing a looped-up hose to the underside of the countertop sink rather than installing an air gap. It serves the same purpose as an air gap i.e. to prevent drain water from sinking back into the dishwasher.

If this hose is not in a position higher than the dishwasher itself, the water will not drain out properly. Fixing it back to its original condition (high-loop) will do the job or you can install an air gap.

#2. Appliance Related Issues

If you weren’t able to find any plumbing-related issues with your dishwasher, it might be so that there are appliance-related issues. Let’s check these issues out.


  • Screwdrivers
  • Bucket
  • Rag/Sponge
  • Drain hose for replacement (optional)

1. Disconnect Power and Remove Toe-Kick

  • Disconnect the power by either unplugging the dishwasher or turning off its circuit breaker.
  • Remove the toe-kick (the panel near the floor).

Note: The toe-kick is held in place by two or four small screws.

2. Check the Filter

Find the filter either in the bottom of the tub, surrounding the base of the lower spray arm, or at the back.

Note: Although most new dishwashers now have small built-in grinders, pieces of food (like popcorn) and even paper (like labels washed off jars) can still clog the filter.

3. Clean Away the Crud

  • Clear any trash away from the filter.
  • If necessary, remove the two screws holding the filter cage, clean it and check inside for debris.

4. Check the Drain Hose

  • Loosen the dishwasher drain hose clamp and disconnect the drain hose (usually it’s the one with ridges) from the pump.
  • Try to blow through the hose to make sure it’s clear.

Note: If the hose is blocked, look for any kinks in the hose and straighten them.

  • Check the disposer inlet or pipe where the dishwasher drain hose connects under your sink, and clear any corrosion with a small screwdriver.

5. Check for a Valve Bracket

Note: Most, but not all, dishwashers have a drain valve that keeps water from draining back into the dishwasher. If you have a valve bracket (see photo), your dishwasher has a drain valve.

  • Test the valve by pushing on the valve bracket to make sure it moves freely.

Note: If the valve’s frozen, the electrical solenoid that controls it is burned out and
needs replacing. New manufacturer parts are usually available from appliance parts sources. Sometimes you can get a much less expensive used part from a used-appliance dealer.

6. Calling a Technician

Still unable to find out the issue with your dishwasher even after trying all the above-mentioned methods for troubleshooting? Then there may be some problem with its internal functioning, which requires proper knowledge about the machinery.

So it would be better to call a professional technician who would be better equipped to deal with your predicament.

Budget-Friendly DIY Storage Ideas To Organize your Bathroom https://legendstitch.com/budget-friendly-diy-storage-ideas-to-organize-your-bathroom/ Mon, 08 Nov 2021 18:00:44 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=20492 The bathroom is undoubtedly one of the most important rooms in your house – this is where you get to relax and let off all the steam and stress that you have accumulated over the day. This is why it is important to make sure that your bathroom is clutter-free, organized, relaxing, friendly, and welcoming, and here are several useful bathroom storage ideas that will help you do just that.

Organize Your Bathroom

Do you have a small bathroom and too many objects to store? Nothing to worry about! Here is how you can make the best of the available bathroom storage space.

Two-Tiered Stand

This blogger notes her multi-level organizer prevents her countertops from being damaged.

Custom Bathroom Storage

Are you running low on ideas and do you have more things to store than you have initially planned? Nothing to be worried about, here is a tutorial that will help you come up with your own custom storage ideas!

Fast And Easy Bathroom Shelving

Save a lot of time and money by making your own fast and easy bathroom shelving! This handy tutorial will guide you through the entire process.

Dollar Store Bathroom Organizing

If you do not have too much time at your disposal yet you do not want to spend a small fortune on furniture and storage cabinets either, then here is how you can easily and effortlessly organize your bathroom with some dollar store items!

Organize Your Bathroom Linen Closet

Organizing your bathroom linen closet can be a daunting and time-consuming task, but it does not need to! Here is a tutorial that will certainly help you save a lot of time and trouble when doing so.

Rustic Mason Jars

This is another great tutorial that will benefit those with traditional or rustic bathrooms. Make the best of mason jars and their countless uses!

Hang Products From A Curtain Rod

Not enough space in your shower to store all your products? Add a curtain rod in your shower to hang shampoo, conditioner, and face wash.

DIY Bathroom Hanging Baskets

Hanging baskets are not only practical and functional but also very aesthetically pleasing! Here is a tutorial that will teach you how they can come in handy for bathroom storage.

Get Organized!

Is your bathroom always messy and you have decided to do something about it? Here is a tutorial that will help you redefine your bathroom without spending too much.

Master Bathroom Organization

While it is true that master bathrooms are very spacious and relaxing, they do require a lot more attention to details when it comes to organizing them. Here is a tutorial that will teach you how to easily and efficiently upgrade your bathroom.

File Box Organizer

Place wall hooks on the side of your sink to hang up this file box, which is the perfect size for storing your go-to hair tools.

DIY Doorway Shelf

Doorway shelves are cozy, practical and very easy to use at the same time, so why not make one for your own bathroom? Here is a tutorial that will quickly teach you how.

Window Box Storage

It often happens that when we have too many things to store in our bathroom, we often overlook the available space and jump straight to buying extra shelves – here is a simple tutorial that will offer you the ultimate life hack and teach you how to exploit the bathroom windows for the best storage.

DIY Mason Jar Storage

Do you feel like there is simply not enough place to store your hair bands, your ear buds and all those small personal items that tend to get scattered all over the bathroom? Here is a super creative tutorial that will help you make the best of your mason jars.

15-Minute Drawer Organizer

If you have drawers in your bathroom, maximize your small space by placing your bathroom items in plastic dividers. Sort your items by categories (vitamins, makeup, etc.) and everything will be easier to find when as you get ready in the morning.

Organize with Magnets

If you have a metal back in your medicine cabinet, you can increase its storage potential by attaching everyday supplies to it with magnets. Glue floral fabric on plain magnets to add a cheerful space for bobby pins, nail clippers, and eyelash curlers. Hot glue a magnet to a vintage spool to hang elastic hair bands.

Hang a Hair-Styling Rack

This $8 over-the-door rack has seven holes for storing hair styling tools, including a blow dryer, curling iron, brushes, and more. Just slide the foam-covered hooks over your vanity door and that drawer full of tangled cords because a thing of the past.

Create Personalized Hooks

When everyone has his or her own space for the essentials, bathroom sharing runs more smoothly. Sew fabric loops on towels so they are easy to hang on hooks attached to a basic board that also serves as a cup rack. Personalize the cups with stenciled numbers or initials and store toothbrushes and toothpaste for each family member inside.

Best Home Upgrades That You Can Tacke Within An Hour (And Less Than 50$) https://legendstitch.com/best-home-upgrades-that-you-can-tacke-within-an-hour-and-less-than-50/ Thu, 28 Oct 2021 22:54:27 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=19620 You don’t need to spend an inordinate amount of time amidst chaos and clutter to achieve the magazine-worthy home you want. With the help of top contractors, flippers, and interior designers, we’ve rounded up the best home upgrades you can tackle in under an hour.

Add a peel-and-stick backsplash.

If you’ve always dreamed of an elegant kitchen, but don’t have the money or time for a major renovation, installing a peel-and-stick backsplash is the project for you.

“Peel-and-stick backsplash tiles are affordable and come in sheets with a sticky adhesive backing that peels off and adheres to wall on with little effort,” says Marty Basher, a home improvement expert with Modular Closets. “The finished product is so impressive, you’ll never know they’re not pricey backsplash tiles that took days to achieve!”

Put up peel-and-stick statement wallpaper.

Home improvement projects don’t have to cost you a lot of money or time. Case in point: peel-and-stick wallpaper.

“Peel-and-stick wallpaper is inexpensive, fun, and is easy to add. Whether you decorate one wall or the whole room, it can spruce up any space in no time,” says Julia Turner, design director at Ring’s End.

Paint an accent wall.

Wallpaper isn’t your only option when it comes to adding a pop of color to your walls, however. If you prefer solids over patterns, interior designer Clara Guzman Perez, RID, recommends painting an accent wall to transform an otherwise lackluster space. And for more great information delivered to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Rearrange your bookshelves.

Cleaning your bookshelves, repositioning shelves within them, and adding some new decorative items can completely change the look and feel of any room in minutes.

“Follow a ‘less is more’ attitude and consider removing some of the accessories—maybe more than you think,” suggests interior designer Pamela O’Brien, founder of Pamela Hope Designs, who says that you can even get away with leaving a few shelves bare. “Leaving space between items allows you to see and appreciate the décor.”

Install floating shelves.

Hanging floating shelves is a quick and easy way to transform any room in a hurry.

“Hanging shelves are an excellent way to fill a large plain wall,” says Turner. “These shelves not only add color to plain walls, but also offer more space for storing your gadgets and some small vintage items.”

Upgrade your cabinet hardware.

While new cabinetry can be pricey, upgrading the hardware on your existing cabinets is a price- and time-conscious way to upgrade that space.

“If you don’t go crazy with buying top-0f-the-line knobs and pulls, you should be able to add some bling to your cabinets for under $200,” says Owen Dashner, owner of house flipping company Red Ladder Property Solutions. “Simply pick out your hardware, grab a screwdriver or drill, and replace those ugly things with a little elbow grease.”

Install a chair rail.

Want to give your home vintage appeal in no time? A chair rail—a piece of molding that runs chest-height on your wall—takes little time to install, but can make a major statement in any room.

“Not only does it add an architectural element, but it delineates the space, has great eye appeal, plus has the functional benefit as it acts as a bumper, so that chairs being pushed back don’t scuff your walls,” explains Glen DellaValle, CEO of property management firm DellaValle Management, Inc.

Re-stain your cabinets.

Those dingy cabinets are doing no favors for your home’s overall aesthetic appeal. If you want to spruce up your space quickly, try re-staining them to bring them back to their original glory. `

“Re-stained cabinets will instantly shift the feeling of your home’s interiors,” says Megan Thompson, owner of Denver-based interior design firm Spark Interiors. Better yet, many of the newer stains on the market “can provide a refreshed tone in those living spaces.” And for more ways to pass the time at home, try tackling these 15 Great Home Projects to Tackle While You’re Quarantined.

Put a new faucet on your sink.

If you’re not looking for a major bathroom or kitchen remodel, this one upgrade can completely reinvent a room in no time at all.

“Rather than replace an entire kitchen or bathroom sink, pick a new, modern faucet to give the sink a complete facelift,” suggests DellaValle.

Swap out your kitchen blinds.

Those old blinds aren’t exactly a striking addition to your kitchen’s design scheme. However, interior designer Jen Stark, founder of Happy DIY Home, says that upgrading to a new one—or a set of new curtains—can “give a fresh look to the kitchen.” Her recommendation for a more cohesive style? “Coordinate towels and jars for a completely new look.”

Install a curved shower curtain rod.

Want to make your bath or shower appear bigger and more elegant? Invest in “hotel-style luxury of curved shower curtain rods,” suggests Basher. “It makes bathrooms look more luxurious and upscale,” he explains.

Seal your bathroom tile.

You don’t need to replace your tile to completely change the look of your bathroom.

“Clean your tile (generally an acid-based cleaner is best, but do test a small area first), and then seal it with liquid car wax. Even the oldest tile will look shiny and new,” says DellaValle.

Install a smart home light switch.

Want to make your home more attractive and more functional in one fell swoop? Try installing a smart home switch.

“Smart home light switches can give you that automated control so you can turn on the lights with your voice, smart app on your phone, or with a smart home hub,” explains certified kitchen designer Eric Goranson, who says this makes it easy to control your electronics from any room in the house.

Put in elegant light switch covers.

Believe it or not, you don’t have to settle for plain old white light switches.

“One of the easiest home improvement projects to complete in a short amount of time is swapping out electrical cover plates,” says real estate investor Dustin Singer. Singer says, “[This] can easily be done with just a screwdriver and can make a huge difference when upgrading from dirty or old covers” and will cost you as little as a dollar per new cover.

Add dimmers to your lights.

Want to make the most of the lighting you already have at home? Installing a simple dimmer switch can make a major difference in your space’s overall aesthetic.

“Dimmer switches are incredibly easy to install and they have significant influence over the mood in a given room,” Thompson. “If you want to create a cozier environment on a rainy day, just dim the lights a bit and your space will be instantly transformed.”

Install a new light fixture.

Virtually every home goods store sells myriad fixtures for every interior design style imaginable, so don’t be afraid to invest in a chandelier or bamboo pendant that’s more up your alley than the builder-grade ones your home came with.

“You’d be surprised at how much a new light fixture can change the atmosphere of a room,” says Thompson. “All you need to do is turn off the power at the breaker box, then disconnect and reconnect the wires to the new light fixture,” she explains.

Replace your existing bulbs with LEDs.

It’s easy to make your home greener and brighter with a single action: just upgrade your light bulbs!

“LEDs can make even the dullest room look bright, and even make any paint on your walls look better,” says DellaValle, who also notes that LEDs will also save you big on your electric bill.

Install under-cabinet lighting.

Want to make your kitchen more attractive and more functional in one fell swoop? A little under-cabinet lighting is all it takes.

“These are so simple to install and can run off batteries,” explains Stark. “They will transform the look of the kitchen and make food preparation much easier.”

Add solar lights to your garden.

Not loving the look those waterlogged string lights? “Get rid of extension cables and add a nice ambiance to outdoor areas” with some solar lighting in your garden instead, suggests Stark.

Upgrade your gutter trim.

That chipping paint around your gutters is doing your home no favors. Fortunately, with just an hour of time, you can make your exteriors look like a million bucks again.
