hair – Legend Stitch Make Your Day Mon, 26 Feb 2024 03:01:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hair – Legend Stitch 32 32 231211893 Put it in your shampoo – your hair will grow instantly and be lush Mon, 26 Feb 2024 03:01:52 +0000 Put it in your shampoo – your hair will grow instantly and be lush

Shampoo, here’s the technique that will change your life. Do you want to know how to grow your hair in no time? You must then use this ingredient: you will be speechless.

How to have healthy, strong and above all long hair ? Just add just this ingredient into your shampoo. You will thank us, we are sure of it.

Shampoo to make hair grow quickly

If you are a woman and you are reading this article, you will certainly not have stumbled upon this section by chance. The title will have caught your attention. Are you looking for ways to grow your hair quickly ? Have you recently cut them and are not satisfied with the length? Or do you simply struggle to have thick, lush and long hair?

Don’t worry, there is a remedy for these problems and an answer to all your questions. Generally, hair grows one centimeter per month but for some people this rule does not apply so you too could find yourself having to wait years before having the desired length of your hair.

Yet we tell you that there are some tricks and suggestions that can help you grow your hair faster. Women, we know, spare no expense for their hair, the calling card of many.

Many prefer the best products , those from the most sponsored and expensive brands, but if we told you that you only need one natural ingredient to add to your shampoo to turn your life around, would you believe us? Are you curious to learn this technique that will allow you to have hair that is not only longer but also healthy and lush? Then read on.

The secret ingredient for longer, healthier and lusher hair

Long hair is the business card of many women. They express sensuality and femininity and yet, sometimes, it takes years and years to make them grow . Are you also looking for some natural method or remedy to have long, healthy and lush hair in a short time?

In this section you will find an answer to your question. All you need to do is simply use a natural ingredient , which you will certainly have in your pantry, and which you will have to add to your shampoo.

What are we talking about? Simply some coffee powder ! Well yes, you read it right. Dark nectar is an excellent ingredient for lengthening hair in a short time. Being a very powerful antioxidant , it promotes blood circulation which is necessary for hair growth. But that is not all.

Coffee also makes them shinier and softer and even prevents baldness which depends on the premature aging of the hair, especially after a certain age. How to make this magical mixture?

In a bowl, add a little of the shampoo you normally use and to which you will add a full spoonful of coffee powder. Mix everything together. Caffeine is great for treating hair health, it is effective for stimulating root growth , strengthening follicles and also improving hair structure.

All these beneficial effects accelerate the growth of your hair . The properties of coffee are truly miraculous. It is a magical ingredient for your hair . Did you know, for example, that it can also make them light and easy to fold ?

Once you have created this mixture, spread it on your hair and leave it on for 3 minutes. Then rinse and repeat the operation twice a week. You will see that within a few weeks you will have satisfactory results.

Let’s say that coffee not only helps you grow your hair but also has other beneficial properties. For example, it is able to detoxify the scalp by protecting it and promoting the elimination of toxins that can accumulate daily.

Among other things, coffee powder is also excellent for preventing dandruff and itchy scalp . Did you know that you can also use it to temporarily dye your hair or cover gray hair ? In short, it is a truly versatile ingredient.

Uncover the Magic of Onion Hair Oil: Your Natural Hair Care Solution Thu, 01 Feb 2024 03:01:03 +0000 Uncover the Magic of Onion Hair Oil: Your Natural Hair Care Solution

Are you looking for a natural and effective way to take care of your hair? Well, look no further! Onion hair oil is the secret ingredient that can work wonders for your hair. This simple yet powerful remedy is gaining popularity among those seeking to promote hair growth and maintain overall hair health. In this article, we will delve into the science behind the effectiveness of onion hair oil and explore the amazing benefits it offers.

The Secret Recipe

  • The recipe for onion hair oil consists of a blend of ingredients that are known for their hair-nourishing properties. Each component plays a crucial role in enhancing the health of your hair:
  • Black Onion Seeds: Also known as kalonji or Nigella seeds, these seeds are packed with antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help prevent hair damage and promote hair growth.
  • Fenugreek Seeds: Fenugreek seeds, or methi, are a rich source of essential nutrients like iron, protein, and lecithin. These nutrients strengthen the hair shaft, reduce hair fall, and promote healthy hair growth.
  • Curry Leaves: Loaded with vitamins and minerals, curry leaves support hair growth and help prevent premature graying.
  • Ginger: With its ability to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, ginger boosts hair growth and improves overall hair health.
  • Small Onions: These onions are a rich source of sulfur, which is essential for collagen production and maintaining healthy hair.
  • Coconut Oil: Serving as the base for this concoction, coconut oil moisturizes your hair, preventing dryness and hair breakage.

The Preparation Process

Creating onion hair oil is a breeze. All you need to do is grind a mixture of black onion seeds, fenugreek seeds, curry leaves, and ginger. Then, cook this mixture in coconut oil along with chopped onions until it turns brown. Add whole onions to the mixture and cook until they become soft. Finally, allow the mixture to cool down and store it in a container, exposed to sunlight.

Why Onion Hair Oil Works

  • The magic of onion hair oil lies in the properties of its ingredients. Here’s how each component contributes to maintaining healthy hair:
  • Antioxidants: Black onion seeds and curry leaves are loaded with antioxidants, which combat free radicals and protect your hair from damage.
  • Fenugreek: Fenugreek seeds strengthen the hair follicles and promote hair growth by providing essential nutrients.
  • Ginger: By stimulating blood flow to the scalp, ginger improves hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • Small Onions: The sulfur content in small onions promotes collagen production, which is vital for hair strength and elasticity.
  • Coconut Oil: Known for its conditioning properties, coconut oil prevents dryness and breakage, keeping your hair healthy and shiny.

Application and Visible Results

Consistently using onion hair oil can yield visible results in the health of your hair. Simply apply the oil to your scalp and massage it in with your fingertips. This helps improve blood circulation and ensures that the nutrients are absorbed by the hair follicles. With time, you may notice reduced hair fall, stronger and shinier hair, and a reduction in dandruff and premature graying.

How Often Do You Clean Your Hairbrush? Fri, 17 Nov 2023 07:58:41 +0000 Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?
Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?
Why Should You Clean Your Hair Brush?

The major reason to clean your hair brush regularly is to stay healthy and hygienic. Unclean hair brushes are filled with dirt, natural oils, sweat, dead skin cells, product buildup (leave-in conditioners, gels, and hairsprays), microbes (yeast, bacteria, dust mites, and lice), and hair strands.

Hair accessories and brushes become breeding grounds for microbes like bacteria and fungi (yeast) if we do not clean them properly. They transfer grime and germs to your hair, compromising hair and scalp health. This also results in swelling, itching, and dandruff and may lead to folliculitisi and seborrheic dermatitis.

A thorough monthly cleaning is sufficient for most hairbrushes and combs. If you have very long hair or use lots of styling products, you may need to clean the tools every two weeks. It’s a good idea to remove the tangled hair around the bristles regularly, even if you don’t do a thorough cleaning.

How To Clean A HairBrush

1. Remove The Hair

Thus, the most important step is to remove all the hair tangled from the brush or comb.

You may notice that the hair may be knotted within the bristles. Use scissors to cut the hair stuck between the bristles into smaller pieces. This will not only make hair removal easy but also protect the bristles from separating or getting damaged. You can turn the brush bristle side down and use a toothbrush to clean lint, dust particles, and grime.

2. Wash The Brush


You Will Need
  • A large bowl
  • Warm water
  • Clarifying shampoo or baking soda
  • An old toothbrush, towel, or napkins
  • Add shampoo (dime size or approximately 10 ml) to a bowl of warm water. You can also use your sink instead of a bowl.
  • Mix thoroughly to form lukewarm sudsy water. Soak the unclean hair brushes and combs in the warm, soapy water. Depending on the type of hair brush, the soaking duration and cleaning solution will vary.
  • Swish the hair brush around the bowl to remove debris.
  • Scrub between the bristles gently with a toothbrush. You can also massage the bristle tips with your palms.
  • Rinse the bristles thoroughly with warm water.
  • Remove excess moisture by patting it dry with a towel or napkin.
Note: Do not soak the hair brushes for a long time or use harsh detergents as the glue that holds the bristles might melt.
Note: Do not soak the hair brushes for a long time or use harsh detergents as the glue that holds the bristles might melt.

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Tips And Hacks
6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:49:28 +0000 6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

There’s nothing like wearing a bouncy set of curls. You’re probably all too familiar with go-to methods like flat irons and curling wands that transform strands into voluminous ringlets, but applying too much heat to your hair can damage your natural hair texture.

So is there any way to curl your hair without ending up with damage? Fortunately for you, there is. Try one of these no-heat curl techniques to impress everyone with your curly and healthy hair

Let’s try these 6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat.

1. Pin Curls

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

2. Putting Your Hair in a Bun

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

3. Using Cold Rollers

A typical headband makes it very easy to curl your hair overnight. This method doesn’t make tight rolls so much as it does loose waves.

See More: 

4. Wrapping Your Hair around a Headband or a Turban

Use a head band

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat


Use a turban

5. Use A Sock

See More: 

And other ways you can try:



Although heat treating is definitely a quick and easy way to create curls, you might not want to do it every day. Rather, you should try out some other heatless options every so often. So simple and so beautiful. Anyone can do this. It is nice to be able to leave the house and not feel like a mess for a change.

You’ll also want to comb through your favorite hair mousse or other favorite styling product that has a little hold and some smoothing power.

Try these methods now to see the miracle!

Our social channel: Baby & Mommy

SEE MORE: Life Hacks, Tips & Tricks