car cleaning – Legend Stitch Make Your Day Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:34:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 car cleaning – Legend Stitch 32 32 231211893 10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:34:29 +0000 10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Do you ever clean your car, and then it’s messy again just a couple days later? Let’s checks these 10 Cleaning Hacks to keep your car clean.

Brush Dirt and Grime Out Using a Toothbrush

Removing dirt and grime between the seams is pretty easy if you’re using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess-free car seat in a jiffy!

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Condition Your Dashboard with Vaseline

Vaseline works wonderfully at conditioning the dashboard and giving it a nice shine. It’s time-saving, effective and inexpensive.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Dust Your Vent with a Foam Craft Brush

Car air vents can get pretty dusty over time, but those narrow slots make it tough to clean with just a rag. If you need some extra reach, you can make a small sponge brush soaked with some cleaner and that will take care of the job.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Use a Microfiber Mitt to Clean Your Car

To have a lint-free and scratch free car washing experience, consider this microfiber mitt. It’s really handy and holds lots of water for cleaning your car.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Clean Your Windshield and Car Windows with Baby Wipes

Keep your windshield clean and clear by using baby wipes. One wipe surprisingly does a lot of work.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Fix Bad Smells in Your Car’s Air Conditioner with Lysol

If you want to get rid of all the bad smell coming from your air conditioner, then try spraying a Lysol into the air flow inlet. This will make your ride both more pleasant and popular.

10 Cleaning Hacks


Make Sure You Clean Your Windshield’s Interio

So you’re done cleaning your car’s outside, now let’s work on the interior. Improve your windshield visibility by using this microfiber glass wiper. It’s so much better to drive with a clear, undistracted view of everything.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Sprinkle Baking Soda on Your Seats Before Vacuuming

Step up your vacuuming technique with this humble yet super helpful hack. The baking soda can remove bad odors from your car carpets and upholstery.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Remove Car Stickers with a Hair Blower

While removing stickers isn’t as easy as putting them on, this hack will make your work less tiresome and sticky. Goodbye unwanted stickers!

10 Cleaning Hacks

Keep Silicone Liners in Your Cup Holders

10 Cleaning Hacks

Gunk and grime can easily get into your cup holders and nobody likes cleaning them out. But just using a couple of silicone liners can keep clean-up super fast and simple.

These tips are seriously time-saving and will help improve your in-car experience.

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Things to Keep in Your Car That Will Save Your Life Sun, 16 Jan 2022 10:01:13 +0000 There are plenty of practical solutions you may apply to remedy your automotive problems. You may be amazed at how simple, and even pleasurable, it is to cure your own car problems without spending a lot of money if you get a little imaginative.

In this post, we put together a list of things that are inexpensive and may come in handy to use for your car.

1. Nail file to cover scratches

A nail file is probably one of the most useful things to keep in your car during the winter months. When your rubber strip gets covered with dirt from the snow, it doesn’t really work to its advantage on your windshield.

The way to solve this problem is to take the wipers off and rub them with a nail file. This way, you’ll be fully set for a few months for that special road trip you were planning.

2. Hair conditioner to shine

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If you want to keep your car shiny and put a stop to the appearance of water streaks, the ideal thing to do is use a hair conditioner.

First, get a bucket of water and add car wash soap, then wash over your car with straight strokes, but make sure to rinse immediately after you’re done. Change the water in the bucket if it gets dirty. Once this is done, add half a cup of hair conditioner in the bucket and smooth it over your car with a cloth. Rinse it all over, dry it with another cloth, and voila!

3. Keep your food hot

While this may not be something you can use as a quick first-aid tip, it can be a speedy tip when you order some take-out food.

If you are worried about your food getting cold, there’s no need. On your way home, place your food on the seat and turn on the seat warmer. This works with any kind of food, whether you got pizza, a burrito, or even nachos.

4. Coffee filter for the interior mess

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A coffee filter will help control and soak up the tiny messes in your car. Make sure to keep a couple of them in your car just in case. Simply pat a bit of olive oil on the coffee filter and then wipe it over your car’s console. You can use it on leather seats and on the interior doors too.

5. Cereal container as trashcan

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There are many things you can use as a trashcan in your car to keep it organized and clean, but the handiest item would be an empty cereal box. A cereal box has a lid to hold the trash inside and keep it from falling out while you are driving, and the lid can also secure the trash bag inside. It won’t steal too much legroom in the passenger seat, as it is stiff and easy to move to the side.

6. Pill bottle to store coins

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You may have a bunch of coins scattered around in your car that you want to put away. Gathering them all in your wallet and carrying them around with you seems unnecessary, so the easiest way to avoid this is to pile them up in an old pill bottle.

7. Rubber kitchen gloves to remove pet hair

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Put the rubber gloves on and dip your fingers in water to make them slightly wet, then rub them over your car seats. You will notice that some chunks of your pets’ hair will be easily picked up.

What will you now keep in your car at all times in case of an emergency? What do you usually keep in your car when you go on a road trip?

Unconventional Tips To Make Your Vehicle Smell Fresh Wed, 15 Dec 2021 17:37:32 +0000 Here are some out-of-the-box ideas will help get rid of car smells and keep unwanted odors at bay.

Make a DIY scented sachet for your car

Car freshening hacks don’t get easier than this DIY scented sachet. Simply pour fragrant bath salts into a loose-leaf tea strainer (an old—clean—sock will do in a pinch!) and place it in the glove box. You’ll enjoy a burst of fresh fragrance every time you pull out the map.

Freshen your car with wax

Drop a potpourri wax tart—commonly made by candle companies—into a cup holder, and take your favourite scent with you wherever you go.

Freshen your car with herbs

Lay fresh herbs, such as basil, on a piece of newspaper in the backseat and leave the windows rolled up to dry the leaves and banish bad odours. This eco-friendly car-freshening hack still won’t be the strangest thing a mechanic has ever found in a car!

Freshen your car by sprinkling oil

Shake a few drops of lemon or eucalyptus essential oil onto car mats for a naturally sweet scent that will last a few weeks.

Glue cotton balls or pom poms

Glue cotton balls or pom-poms to a clothespin, and add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oils. Clip it to your vents, turn on the air or heat, and your car will be smelling sweet in just a few seconds.

Gain Fireworks (or Downy Unstopables)

Use Gain Fireworks (or Downy Unstopables) to make these mason jar air fresheners. Put them in your cup holder, and voila! Instant smelly-goodness.

Essential oil and rice air freshener

This essential oil and rice air freshener is a nifty trick. You’ll want to put it in a jar with small holes in the lid, but just give it a shake whenever the smell becomes faint, and it’ll smell like new again.

Wool felt balls

Thread wool felt balls together into a pretty wreath. Add your favorite essential oils as needed. See the above note about objects dangling from your mirror, though.

Top Cleaning Tips for Your Car’s Interior Fri, 10 Dec 2021 21:33:09 +0000 If you drive a lot for business or have children and pets, you know how difficult it is to keep your car clean. Here are 10 cleaning techniques and tricks to restore the luster to your car’s inside.

Clear Trash

Before you pull out the vacuum and cleaning supplies, clear out all the obvious trash. Check everywhere thoroughly. There will likely be trash on the floor, under the seats and in the seat cracks. Toss out any wrappers, bottles, toys and other objects that your vacuum can’t handle.

Tackle Floor Mats

Pull the floor mats out of the vehicle and shake them out as much as possible. This will make vacuuming easier. Scrub them with soap and hot water or a foaming carpet cleaner and allow them to air dry completely before reinstalling them.

Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum

Vacuum both front and back seats, the floor and, if necessary, the trunk. Vacuum every area of the vehicle where you can get the nozzle, including under the pedals and along the side door panels.

Wipe Away Grime

Now that the car is vacuumed, grab a soft cloth or cleaning wipes to wipe up all that dirt, sticky stuff and dust. You can also spray a small amount of car-specific cleaner over the console, steering wheel and the area between the seats to restore that new-car look.

Clean Cup Holders

Cup holders can harbour grime, spilled coffee, and dead hair and skin cells (yuck). Try using a cotton swab dipped in a little cleaning solution to reach those difficult areas.

Wipe Windows

Spray a window cleaner solution on windows and wipe clean with a paper towel or microfibre cloth. You can also mix one cup of water, two tablespoons of vinegar and one cup or rubbing alcohol for an effective homemade window cleaner.

Attack Stains

If there are stains on the seats or on the carpet (and we guarantee there will be, especially if you have kids!) try this homemade solution. In a spray bottle mix two cups of water, one cup of vinegar and about a tablespoon of dish soap. Spray on the stains and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then wipe clean with a wet cloth. If the stain persists, try a product like Resolve. Spot-test in an inconspicuous area to make sure the upholstery fabric is colourfast.

Remove Pet Hair

If you have a dog, you know the pain of dealing with pet hair in the car. If the vacuum doesn’t remove all the fur, try using a rubber-dipped glove. Simply brush the hair away with your hand, and it sticks to the glove like magic! To protect your car’s interior from any future pet damage, try a waterproof seat protector.

Get Into Crevices

Grab a paint stirrer or two next time at you’re at the hardware store. Wrap an end with a microfibre cloth and use the stick to get into those hard-to-reach areas between the seats and around the centre console.

Freshen Up

Create a homemade car freshener with one cup of baking soda and five drops of your favourite essential oil. Place both the soda and oil in a sealable plastic bag or glass jar for 24 hours. Then shake it up, sprinkle on the car’s floor and let it sit for 20 minutes. When the time has passed, vacuum up the baking soda. The scent will linger, making your car smell fresh and clean!

10+ Genius Hacks That Every Car Owner Should Know Fri, 24 Sep 2021 16:30:33 +0000 These simple-but-genius car hacks will keep your wheels in good condition and make life on the road a lot more comfortable.

1. Use a Cereal Container as a Trash Can

A plastic cereal container is just small enough to make the perfect trash can for your car. The flip-top opening ensures that whatever you throw away doesn’t end up all over the floor after you make a sharp turn. Just line the container with a plastic grocery bag, and you’re ready to go—and throw—whenever you like.

2. Gauge Your Garage Parking with a Tennis Ball

If you have trouble gauging how far you’ve pulled into your garage, use a string to hang a tennis ball on the ceiling so that it rests on your windshield when you’ve driven in far enough. You’ll never have to guess again.

3. .Download a Parking App to Find Your Car

Now where did you park that car? Oh boy, here we go again! Forgetful parkers rejoice: There are apps to help you instantly locate your ride so you don’t have to waste time strolling through the parking lot with your key fob in hand. There are several apps to choose from, all of which will keep track of where you’ve parked your car and lead you back to it without fail. Just like breadcrumbs, but better.

4. Keep Cup Holders Clean with Cupcake Liners

Dust, crumbs, and all sorts of stickiness can accumulate in a car cup holder, which is perhaps the most notoriously difficult to clean corner of any car. Luckily, there’s a trick that can keep your cup holder clean without the hassle. Simply drop a paper cupcake liner into the bottom of the cup holder. When it gets dirty, just replace it with a fresh one.

5. De-Ice a Frozen Lock with Hand Sanitizer

Perhaps you already keep hand sanitizer in the car for those times when you need a quick cleanup on the go. Well, here’s a new use for that handy cleaner: If your lock has frozen shut, squeeze a little hand sanitizer onto your key before sliding it into the lock. The alcohol in the cleaner will melt the ice, letting the key turn easily.

6. Warm Up Your Windshield Wipers

Never again waste precious time (and risk arriving late to work) trying to pry icy wipers from the windshield. Go on the defensive with a pair of socks. Keep a pair in your car during the winter, and when it looks like foul weather’s coming, put them over your windshield wipers at night to keep them from freezing and sticking.

7. Hang Hooks to Keep the Floor Clear

We could all use a little extra storage space in the car. Here’s a low-budget trick: Put a carabiner on the headrest supports of the front seats so you can hang your bags, umbrellas, and other whatnots. Now, all your essentials will be out of the way yet within easy reach.

8. Use Tinted Window Clings as Movable Shades

Every driver knows there’s that weird time of day when the sun shines in through the windshield at just the right angle so that car visors can’t swing or tilt far enough to block the bLegend Stitchng rays. Stop squinting and place a piece of tinted window cling in just the right spot to shield your eyes from the sun. This trick really works—after all, it’s what airline pilots do.

9. De-Fog Your Headlights with Toothpaste

As headlights get older, the plastic covers oxidize, which causes them to become yellow and foggy. Restore them to their former glory by rubbing some toothpaste (one with baking soda works especially well) onto the headlights, then give them a good scrub with an old toothbrush. After the toothpaste has dried, spritz with some water and buff the paste off with paper towels.

10. Give Your Tires the Penny Test

Do you think it may be time to replace your tires? To find out, take a penny, and place it headfirst into the tread groove. If you can see the entirety of Lincoln’s head, your tires are too worn and need to be replaced. If part of his head is covered, you have more than 2/32 of an inch of tread depth left and can wait on new tires.

11. Remove Sticker Residue with Newspaper

Whether you’re dealing with a parking permit or a bumper sticker, when it’s time to peel it off, the sticker leaves behind a gummy mess. The next time you’re facing down a sticky spot, place a piece of wet newspaper on top of the residue and let it sit for about 15 minutes. When you come back, the glue will have softened up and will be much easier to wipe away.

12. Protect the Doors with Pool Noodles

In a tiny garage, trying to park the car without causing damage can seem like an exercise in futility. Even if you do manage to pull in without bumping your fender, you have to worry about scratching your car doors when you open them to exit the vehicle. You can park without a care, though, if you cut a pool noodle in half and screw it to the wall. The soft bumper will protect your doors from dings—provided you can squeeze the car into the garage in the first place.

13. Keep Rubber Resilient

When the weatherstripping around your car doors starts to fail, so does its protection against the elements. Fortunately, you can put off replacing seals by lubricating with WD-40 once a month to counteract the drying and cracking that happens in extreme temperatures. Plus, the new nozzle on the Trigger Pro® bottle applies the time-tested formula directly where you need it without the typical aerosol overspray, making this one auto job that won’t create a mess.

12 Efficient Ways To Keep Your Car and Belongings Safe From Thieves Wed, 22 Sep 2021 21:10:21 +0000 Cars are typically much easier to break into than the average home, resulting in an estimated 773,139 motor vehicle thefts nationwide in 2017 and some $6 billion in losses, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Data report. Fortunately, preventing car break-ins is mostly matter of taking simple precautions that make your vehicle a less tempting target. Here are just a few measures you can implement to keep your car and belongings safe from thieves.

Don’t Leave Your Car When It’s Running—Ever!

Winter’s bitter cold or summer’s searing heat can entice even the most cautious drivers to let the car warm up or cool down while they’re comfortably ensconced inside the house. But doing this makes it really, really easy for thieves to steal your car or rapidly remove any valuables left inside. A few minutes of comfort are simply not worth the risk. Similarly, don’t leave the car running while you dash into a store to run an errand—this is just asking for trouble. In fact, in at least 30 states it is illegal to leave a car running and unattended.

Don’t Leave Doors Unlocked

Most thefts from vehicle are opportunistic—thieves often go down a line of cars, checking each one for easy access. Don’t give them an open invitation to steal your stuff by leaving the doors unlocked. You may even want to opt for a remote or auto-locking feature the next time you purchase a new car.

Don’t Leave Windows or Sunroofs Open

It can be tempting to leave car windows or sunroofs open, especially in the warmer months. But again, this makes it extremely easy for a casual thief to reach in and plunder your possessions. Always double-check that your windows and sunroof are completely closed when you leave the car.

Don’t Leave Valuables in View

Always stow valuables out of sight. Otherwise, you run the risk of attracting a “smash and grab,” a vehicle theft in which a thief sees something in your car, smashes the window, grabs the loot, and scrams. Indeed, former car thieves say it takes less than 20 seconds to pilfer your property. Avoid leaving wallets, purses, laptops, cellphones, backpacks, briefcases, shopping bags, GPS units, small electronics, stereos, sporting equipment, or even loose change in plain view. Stash these items in the trunk, or better yet, take them with you when you leave the car.

Don’t Park in the Dark

Whenever possible, park under a streetlight. Most thieves prefer the cover of darkness, so if you’re going to be out after dark, try to park in a well-lit location—preferably on a busy street.

Don’t Park Alone

Make it a habit to park in an attended lot, or in an area where there is a lot of pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Thieves prefer to operate in areas where they won’t be seen by passersby or caught on surveillance cameras.

Don’t Ignore Warning Signs

Keep your eyes open for potential problems, especially in shopping center parking lots, and especially during peak holiday shopping times. Some thieves will loiter around shoppers’ cars, waiting for them to leave valuable purchases in the trunk. If you see someone suspicious, alert security and don’t leave your car.

Invest in a Car Alarm

Make your car the one that thieves decide to pass right by. Anti-theft devices like ignition cut-off systems, steering wheel locks, window and door alarms, and visible alarm indicators are real turnoffs to thieves and will help keep your car and its contents safer.

Don’t Forget About the Spare

If you own a van or truck that has the spare tire affixed to the rear of the vehicle, keep the spare chained up, and make sure that the chain is visible. Again, making things more difficult for thieves makes it more likely that they will pass you by in favor of easier prey.

Plan Your Route

Before traveling, always investigate the area around your destination and plan a route that avoids potentially dangerous neighborhoods. Many of today’s GPS navigation apps—including Google Maps, Waze, and RedZone Map, among others—will guide you away from routes that pass through high-crime areas.

Skip the Hood Ornament

For some reason, thieves just love to rip off hood ornaments, causing costly damage to your car in the process. In many cities, there is a black market for highly coveted hood ornaments—the rarer and more expensive the better—and thieves will target cars specifically for the hood ornament. This is one option that you might be better off without.

Avoid Cloth Tops

Cars with cloth tops, including convertible sedans and Jeeps, are prime targets for criminals. All a thief needs to break into a car with a cloth top is a sharp knife—and the process is almost completely noiseless. Think twice before purchasing a convertible.

15 Practical Tips That Will Enhance Your Experience With Your Car Wed, 28 Jul 2021 07:15:01 +0000 We’ve rounded up 15 practical and ingenious tips from experienced drivers around the world. These tips will help you overcome some of those irritating little problems we all experience with our cars and make driving more comfortable and enjoyable.

1. For those traveling with their kids

You can use a shower organizer to help you keep essential supplies for your kids close at hand. No more wasting time searching your entire car for cream, diapers, or a feeding bottle.

2. How to cool down your car quickly

Fully open one of the front windows, then open and close the door on the opposite side of the car several times. This will drive out the hot air.

3. How to get rid of scratches

A carefully chosen nail polish can make a small scratch on the body of your car almost invisible. Transparent polish is effective if the temporary, way of fighting cracks on the windshield. Apply 2-3 layers, and this will prevent cracks from getting any larger.

4. If you’re worried that a car mechanic might deceive you

If you’re concerned that a mechanic might try to exaggerate the problems with your car, just ask them questions about parts that you’re certain are working correctly.

5. How to get rid of old car stickers

Soak a piece of newspaper in warm water, and place it on the sticker for ten minutes.

6. What to do if the lock has frozen

You can use anti-bacterial hand gel to help defrost a frozen lock. Squeeze a pea-sized amount onto your finger and wipe it over the lock, making sure that it goes directly onto the keyhole. It contains alcohol spirit which will make the ice melt faster. You can also apply it to the car key itself.

7. An easy way to keep paper towels to hand

A paper coffee cup with a lid works well as a way to store paper towels or a handkerchief.

8. How to make a simple holder for your smartphone

You can use an ordinary rubber band.

Keeping your car clean

9. You can use a sealable food container as a trash can.

10. For those who still find parking difficult

If you only recently got your driving license and driving your car is still new to you, here’s a great trick for parking your car in the garage. Hang up a tennis ball or a bright, colorful toy in the spot where you need to stop the car. This will help you to get a feel for the dimensions of your car and prevent you from going further in than you need to.

11. Cleaning your headlights

You would never have guessed, but ordinary toothpaste is a great alternative to costly cleaning fluids for your car headlights. Squeeze some onto an old toothbrush or a cloth, and rub it vigorously onto the headlights. Wash it off with water.

12. How to clean hard-to-reach areas

A paintbrush works really well for cleaning the dust out of hard-to-reach areas in your car.

13. Shielding yourself from bright sunlight

We borrowed this trick from pilots. If the sun is bLegend Stitchng you, use a thin plastic sheet to screen it out. It will stick to the windshield thanks to static electricity. You can find screens like this in the home section of supermarkets. You can also try the colored film used in greenhouses, for which you’ll need Scotch tape to attach it.

14. How to protect the car doors from scratches

For those who own narrow garages, try out this life hack: attach a foam strip along the wall. This will reduce the risk of scratching the car doors when getting in and out of your automobile.

15. How to be ready for anything

In case of unforeseen problems, always carry a survival kit in your car – an old-fashioned, reliable cell phone or a spare phone battery; a supply of water and food; warm clothes or a blanket; a first aid kit.

18 Car Cleaning Hacks You’ll Wish You’d Known Sooner Thu, 10 Jun 2021 01:24:32 +0000 The case is even worse with the exterior of the car. All those scratches, swirl marks, damaged paint makes the car look like 6-7 year old even if it’s just a year old. Fortunately, there are many easy and effective car cleaning hacks that can do wonders for your car.

Here we have listed some of the easiest car cleaning tips & tricks to get rid of the toughest stains, odors, and dirt dilemmas to keep your car sparkling. These are simple things which you need to do regularly to have your old car look good as new even after 6-8 years. And the perfect time to start caring for your car is today onwards!

1. Newspaper for windshield and windows

A newspaper is one of the easiest and cheapest tricks to clean the windshield and windows (simply all the glass stuff). Mix one part hot water with one part vinegar. Apply with a spray bottle on the windows and wipe it off with the help of newspapers. Easy!

If the windows and windshields are very dirty, then use a solution of liquid soap mixed with this solution to clean it easily. Newspaper can be used to clean any glass window.

2. Toothpaste for the headlights

If your car’s headlights have become dirty and foggy, just use some toothpaste to clean them. If it can fix scratches on DVD and CD, then it can effectively clean car headlights too. And apart from ruing the looks of your car, dirty headlights are also not safe because they reduce visibility at night.

All you need to do is apply a mixture of toothpaste and baking soda on a sponge and rub the lights in circular motions until the dirt comes off. Take a light cloth and wipe off the toothpaste. And Magic! You have crystal clear headlights in no time.

3. Brush for Cleaning tiny and tight spaces

Clean the tiny spaces between the seams and hard to reach places easily with a soft-bristled brush. These areas are difficult to access and clean, but a brush easily manages this work. You can also clean the dust on the tight spaces of your car’s seats using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess-free car seat in no time!

So simple. Isn’t it? You can even use a makeup brush, toothbrush or some other similar brush for this purpose.

4. Vinegar for Deep Cleaning the Seats

The first step is to remove all dust and loose debris using a vacuum cleaner. For a thorough cleaning, make a simple but effective homemade cleaner using vinegar. Mix equal parts of vinegar and warm water to make this cleaner.

Clean the seat’s upholstery with this mixture. All you need to do is spray this mixture on the seat and then follow up with a dry cloth. It will not only clean the seats but also fade away the foul smell if present.

Quick tip: If seat material is leather, don’t let the leather become soaking wet during the process.

5. Sprinkle some Baking soda before Vacuuming

If your seats don’t need deep cleaning, then you can easily clean it with a vacuum cleaner. All that is good but why not Step up your vacuuming with this easy hack.

Sprinkle some baking soda on the seats and then clean them with a vacuum cleaner. What’s the benefit? Baking soda eliminates bad odor from the seats and carpets ensuring cleaner and fresher seats.

6. Use A Magic eraser

Is your car all messed up with food and drinks your kiddos ate in the car? Don’t worry, you just need a magic eraser to easily clean the car. Magic Eraser also works amazingly well to clean the stains on leather or vinyl seats as well. Just get the eraser a bit wet and gently scrub on the stain. Your seats will look like new in no time. Easy, isn’t it?

7. Keep your dashboard shining

Keep your car’s dashboard always shining by rubbing some olive oil on it. Take a cloth and put a few drops of olive oil on it and then rub it on the dashboard to give it a shiny finish.

It’s time-saving, effective and inexpensive!

8. Clay bar for picking up the dust

Clay bars are highly successful in removing dust, dirt and other small particles that have bonded with the paint which then allows the wax or polish to adhere to the surface and work effectively. It gives a good lustrous finish to the car.You can use clay bars anytime for kicking the dust and dirt particles from your car.

Just rub a clay bar softly over the area which needs to be cleaned. All the dust particles will stick to the clay because of its sticky nature and you have a squeaking clean car in no time.

9. Homemade Tire Cleaner

Want your car’s tires to shine like new ones without spending money on expensive cleaners? We have got you covered.

Just make a mixture of 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 teaspoon dishwashing soap, and some warm water. Your homemade tire cleaner is ready! Smear this mixture on the tires to clean them and your work is done! Check out more amazing baking soda cleaning hacks.

10. Club Soda for Tough Stains

Get rid of tough stains such as bird poop, bloodstains, etc using club soda. Soak the stain in club soda for a few minutes, then blot with a moist cotton towel. The stain will come off easily.

11. Cleaning the Cup Holders

Cup holders are one of the most forgotten areas to be cleaned. Is it difficult to clean? Not at all.

Just take a coffee cup, wrap an old sock around it and spray some cleaner on it. Then twist and turn the cup in the holder to clean it. So easy!

12. Get rid of the car stickers Gunk

Do the stickers on your car spoil its looks? There is a very easy solution to restore its good look. All you need is a can of WD 40.

Just spray some WD 40 on the sticker and let it stay for some time and then peel off the sticker. WD 40 will make it easy to remove the leftover residue behind the stickers too. WD 40 is a must-have for every house. You must definitely check these WD 40 Hacks To Solve Hardheaded Problems to know why it’s so good.

13. Conditioning the interiors

Use Vaseline for conditioning of interiors of the car such as the seats and the dashboard. It helps in keeping the seats moisturized, thus preventing cracks just like it does for our skin. So time-saving, effective and inexpensive!

14. Wash Your Car With Conditioner

You might be using conditioner to wash your hair but do you know that you can also use the same conditioner to wash your car and make it shine. Yeah, it’s weird but true. Why? Because conditioner contains lanolin (a type of wax) and we all know wax is used to shine your car. So, say goodbye to expensive car wax and save money. Just wash your car with a conditioner whenever you feel you need to shine it.

15. Use Compressed Air to Clean the Dust Out of Vents

Cleaning out vents? Using a can of compressed air to get the dust out of your vents will make the process easier and faster. This is the sort of hack which makes you say why didn’t I think of it?

16. Use Coffee Filters to Wipe Down Interior

Dusting is good but it won’t make the car completely clean to the surface. The answer to this is to use coffee filters to clean and they are pretty cheap. So, grab some coffee filters and make your car interior sparkling clean!

17. Cupcake Cup Holders

Cup holders are one of the easiest and faster place for gunk to reach. And cleaning them is a pain! But, having these cupcake liners in there can make the cleaning easier and would save a lot of time. A brilliant use of cupcake liners other than for cupcakes.

18. Clean Up Animal Hair With a Squeegee and Spray Bottle

For those who take pets in their car frequently, you would notice that it’s not easy to clean their hair buildup on the seats. But, there’s an easy way to get rid of them faster. All you need to get rid of them is a spray bottle of water and a squeegee. It’s a great way to gather it up and get rid of it easily. You can wipe the seats with a magic eraser after that for a thorough cleaning.

As you can see from the tips above that cleaning your car isn’t hard, if you know the right tips and tricks. With these right cleaning hacks, you’ll be able to finish cleaning in no time and have your car looking and smelling like new.

If you find these cleaning hacks useful, do share the post!

Now we hope these tips for cleaning your car were helpful, but if there is something that we didn’t cover for which you’d like to know more about, email us or let us know in the comments below! We’d be glad to answer you.
