Can you see the fabrics seller at the market?
Natasha arrived at the bustling market early in the morning, clutching the list tightly in her hand. She made her way through the crowded stalls, colorful fabrics and aromatic spices vying for her attention. Finally, she reached the corner stall where Uncle Murat usually sold bolts of fabric.
But to her horror, neither Uncle Murat nor his wares were in sight. Natasha asked around, but no one had seen him that day. She searched the other stalls, hoping to find something to match her daughter’s dress, but nothing caught her eye.
Despondently, Natasha was about to give up and return home empty-handed when a young girl approached her. “Excuse me,” the girl said, “I couldn’t help but hear. I know where Uncle Murat is.”
Natasha was surprised. “You do?” she asked.
The girl nodded. “He’s my uncle. He had to leave town for family reasons, but he left me some of his fabrics to sell in his absence. I can take you to them if you like.”
Overwhelmed with gratitude, Natasha followed the girl to a small stall at the edge of the market. There she found a wonderful selection of fabrics and quickly chose the perfect one for her daughter’s dress.