Kitchen Tips and Tricks That Nobody Told You About1. ROLLING CITRUS FRUIT
If you roll while applying a bit of pressure to your citrus fruits (lemons, limes, oranges, etc.), you will get so much more of that yummy juice.
Here is a trick using 2 sturdy plastic lids to cut them quickly! Make sure you are using a large, sharp knife. Or you can also use two plates.
If you need to brown or crisp something on all sides in the oven — like meat or vegetables — cook it on an elevated rack set on top of a sheet tray.
“This can be more efficient than flipping things halfway through. The rack allows heat to reach all sides. All sides will brown evenly without the bottom side getting soupy.”
4. To easily clean a stubborn cast iron pan, just fry the stuff on the bottom. It’ll pop right off.

“Anything that doesn’t pop off with hot oil, add some kosher salt and scrape again. Perfectly cleaned cast iron, every time. I spent years overthinking this and having crusty pans. Also, always use a wooden spoon because why would you ever use a metal instrument on ANY pan you care about, you monster?”
5. Don’t put a lid on something that’s frying in oil.

“If you do, the food will lose water, and the water will condense inside the lid. When you lift the lid, the water will go into the oil and splatter everywhere and create a giant mess and hazard.”
(Instead, use a mesh splatter guard — it’ll make sure oil doesn’t get everywhere while still allowing steam to escape.)